2 killed and several wounded in shooting during a Juneteenth celebration in a Texas park

1 week ago 8

Authorities successful Texas accidental a shooting successful a parkland near 2 radical dormant and respective wounded

A shooting successful a Texas parkland near 2 radical dormant and respective wounded connected Saturday, authorities said.

The victims were changeable soon earlier 11 p.m. Saturday during a Juneteenth solemnisation astatine Old Settlers Park successful Round Rock, astir 19 miles (30.5 kilometers) northbound of Austin.

An altercation began betwixt 2 groups during a performance astatine the lawsuit and idiosyncratic started shooting, Round Rock Police Chief Allen Banks said during a quality league astatine the scene.

The 2 victims who were pronounced dormant astatine the country were not progressive successful the altercation, Allen said.

The shooting occurred adjacent a vendor country distant from the signifier acceptable up for the concert, Allen said.

Police officers and occurrence section unit who were attending the lawsuit instantly began providing exigency aesculapian attraction to aggregate wounded victims, who were past transported to section hospitals, Allen said.

Police bash not person a fishy successful custody and investigators bash not cognize however galore shooters were involved. The probe is ongoing, helium said.

“It breaks your bosom for a household that was coming retired to bask their evening and present their beingness is everlastingly changed arsenic a effect of idiosyncratic who could attraction little astir idiosyncratic else's life,” Allen said.

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