A Timeline of Billy Ray Cyrus and Firerose’s Explosive Divorce

2 days ago 3

By , who covers music, TV, and personage for Vulture

Photo: Jason Kempin/ACM/Getty

How astir this domino effect: A accidental gathering connected the Hannah Montana acceptable has prompted 1 of the biggest tabloid stories of 2024. Billy Ray Cyrus is filing to divorcement Australian vocalist Firestone aft conscionable 7 months of marriage. Over the past fewer months, the allegations person been flying from some sides: fraud, abuse, a hidden marriage, retaliation for a treble mastectomy. Even Billy Ray’s daughters, Miley and Noah, are caught successful the mess. Now, Firerose is laying everything bare to “Page Six” portion Billy Ray continues to marque pointed Instagram posts. Let’s spot however things flamed retired and exploded.

Around 2010: Firerose is leaving an audition for a relation connected Hannah Montana erstwhile she runs into histrion Billy Ray Cyrus walking his canine connected set. “I was like, This girl’s a star,” Billy Ray later remembers.

July 2, 2021: Firerose releases “New Day,” a duet with Billy Ray.
“FIREROSE is the precise explanation of persistence, combined with a tremendous magnitude of endowment arsenic a songsmith, vocalist and producer,” Billy Ray tells American Songwriter, which describes him arsenic her “longtime friend.”

September 22, 2021: A Billy Ray property merchandise teases a “new medium written, performed, and produced by Firerose and Billy Ray Cyrus,” and notes that Firerose has signed to Billy Ray’s Sunnagernimo Publishing.

April 6, 2022: Tish Cyrus files for divorcement from Billy Ray Cyrus, whom she’s been joined to since 1993. It’s the couple’s 3rd clip filing, aft antecedently reconciling successful 2011 and 2013. This time, Tish says they haven’t been surviving unneurotic for implicit 2 years.

April 11, 2022: In a connection to People, Billy Ray and Tish corroborate that this time, they’re implicit for real. “It is aft 30 years, 5 astonishing children and a beingness of memories, we person decided to spell our abstracted ways — not with sadness, but with emotion successful our hearts,” they say.

August 25, 2022: “The satellite is simply a amended spot with you successful it,” Firerose writes successful an Instagram post for Billy Ray’s birthday.

September 13, 2022: Firerose shows disconnected a diamond ringing on Instagram, prompting engagement speculation.

September 28, 2022: Firerose and Billy Ray person “been dating for a small while,” a root tells People. Their narration reportedly came retired of their collaboration, but did not overlap with Billy Ray and Tish. “It is what it is,” the root adds, with nary remark connected that ring.

October 20, 2022: Amid rumors of a falling out, a root tells E! News that Billy Ray’s prima girl Miley “doesn’t person a relationship” with Firerose. “”She, of course, hopes helium is happy,” the root continues. “But Miley has been person to her ma Tish passim the divorce.”

November 11, 2022: Billy Ray and Firerose merchandise their 2nd collaboration, “Time.” “One happening that I cognize for definite / Is I tin ne'er fto her go,” they sing.

November 16, 2022: Billy Ray and Firerose denote their engagement in People. Billy Ray shares that helium projected successful August, and Firerose aboriginal designed her ain ring. “We recovered this harmony, and this rhythm, this melody to life,” helium says. Billy besides says “there’s nary hard feelings” among his household astir the engagement.

August 10, 2023: Firerose and Billy Ray merchandise “Plans,” written by Diane Warren.

August 23, 2023: Firerose makes her reddish carpet debut with Billy Ray astatine the ACM Honors astatine Nashville’s Ryman Auditorium. The mates matches successful black, with Firerose besides wearing a pink-and-silver bedazzled jacket.

October 10, 2023: Billy Ray and Firerose get married. Miley, who conscionable served arsenic maid of grant astatine Tish’s August wedding to Dominic Purcell, reportedly did not attend. “It was the astir perfect, ethereal solemnisation of emotion we could person ever imagined,” Billy Ray writes on Instagram the pursuing day.

March 28, 2024: Billy Ray and Firerose merchandise their 4th opus together, “After the Storm.” “Only by the grace of God did I past my darkest nights,” Firerose tells People. “There is truthful overmuch information successful these lyrics and it’s my intent to assistance others find spot successful their toughest hours.”

April 12, 2024: Firerose celebrates their six-month day on Instagram. “Life isn’t ever easy… but it definite helps erstwhile your husband’s besides your champion friend,” she writes. “Thank you Lord.”

May 23, 2024: Billy Ray releases “You Came Along,” successful which helium sings astir idiosyncratic who “stole my bosom truthful completely.” “Now I cognize the emotion is existent / I emotion you present and ever will,” helium sings successful the chorus. The aforesaid day, it volition aboriginal beryllium reported, helium files for divorcement from Firerose, implicit irreconcilable differences and “inappropriate marital conduct.” He additionally files to annul their marriage, citing fraud. Per the filing, helium lists May 22 arsenic their day of separation and asks Firerose to permission their location by May 24.

June 13, 2024: Billy Ray requests a impermanent restraining bid to support Firerose from accessing his money, claiming she racked up astir $97,000 connected his recognition cards betwixt May 23 and June 7. Firerose’s lawyers hit back that the concern is “no emergency” and she was simply surviving “as per the presumption quo during the marriage,” claming she’s had entree to his cards since June 2022.

June 14, 2024: In a new filing, Firerose alleges she “was the unfortunate of utmost verbal, emotional, and intelligence abuse” during her matrimony to Billy Ray. Her lawyers adhd that Billy Ray’s “persistent cause use” and marijuana depletion made him “unpredictable and volatile.” She says Billy Ray filed for divorcement conscionable 1 time earlier she was slated to person a preventative treble mastectomy surgery. Firerose claims that up of the surgery, Billy Ray “would often telephone her a ‘selfish fucking bitch’ and continually allege that she was utilizing him.” She says she had to hold the country “indefinitely” without Billy Ray’s wellness insurance. She besides claims Billy Ray attempted to thwart her vocation by forcing her to occurrence their shared manager, causing her to suffer $415,000. On Instagram, Billy Ray shares a enactment from Johnny Cash, writing, “I made a committedness to myself not to look backmost and lone look forward.” Meanwhile, a Miley root tells Us that “no 1 approved of the marriage” successful their family, adding that she thinks the divorcement volition bring “some peace.” The root continues, “She thinks this is simply a bully measurement successful the close absorption for him.”

June 19, 2024: Responding to Firerose’s claims, Billy Ray accuses Firerose of hiding a past matrimony from him successful a new filing. He claims Firerose told him her past sanction was Hodges, but it was not, and that his attorneys aboriginal unearthed her past divorce, which prompted him to record for divorce. He besides accuses Firerose of “conducting a run to isolate” him from his family, and specifically blocking 1 of his daughters connected his phone. A Billy Ray root tells People Firerose “isn’t the idiosyncratic helium thought helium married.” The root accuses her of utilizing him financially, but adds that they person a prenup.

June 24, 2024: Billy Ray present claims helium was abused by Firerose successful a caller filing — “not lone verbally and emotionally by [Firerose], but PHYSICALLY abused.” Billy Ray’s manager, Scott Adkins, says successful an affidavit that helium witnessed the abuse. Billy Ray besides denies Firerose’s maltreatment allegations, citing a enactment from her asking him to “please springiness maine a accidental to marque this right.” He additionally claims Firerose threatened to wounded his estimation by claiming helium was divorcing her implicit the treble mastectomy. A rep for Firerose tells TMZ Adkins’s “credibility is questionable” arsenic an worker of Billy Ray. “What Billy Ray fails to admit is erstwhile you person a decades-long past of affectional and intelligence abuse, radical commencement to instrumentality notice,” the rep says. “The information volition travel to light.”

June 26, 2024: “Sometimes you gotta instrumentality your daughter’s proposal and conscionable ‘Stand Still,’” Billy Ray writes on Instagram, quoting his girl Noah Cyrus’s song.

June 30, 2024: Firerose calls Billy Ray “an evil man” successful an interrogation with “Page Six.” She describes alleged “systematic isolation” by Billy Ray, claiming that for a clip helium didn’t fto her person a car and lone fto her permission the location to spell to the chiropractor and get her nails done erstwhile a month. Firerose besides claims helium kept household and friends from visiting, and screened the texts and emails she sent. She reveals that they began dating agelong earlier Billy Ray divorced Tish, and that she was hospitalized 2 days earlier their eventual wedding aft passing retired from stress. She says their divorcement has been “excruciatingly painful” and “a smear campaign.”

July 1, 2024: Billy Ray posts an representation of the connection fraud implicit a candle, covered by roseate petals, to his Instagram Story.

July 2, 2024: A root tells People Billy Ray is “trying to enactment each the play successful the past,” adding that the divorcement has been “annoying” to him.

A Timeline of Billy Ray Cyrus and Firerose’s Explosive Split
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