ASX set to retreat as Wall Street edges lower

1 day ago 2
By Damian Troise and Alex Veiga

July 1, 2024 — 5.18am

Stocks connected Wall Street gave up aboriginal gains and finished little connected Friday successful New York, ending a three-week winning streak for the S&P 500.

A flurry of selling precocious successful the time near the benchmark scale 0.4 per cent little and successful the reddish for the week. The Nasdaq composite fell 0.7 per cent, portion the Dow Jones ended 0.1 per cent lower.

The S&P 500 and the Nasdaq stay  adjacent   their all-time highs.

The S&P 500 and the Nasdaq stay adjacent their all-time highs.Credit: AP

Despite the downbeat finish, the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq stay adjacent their all-time highs. The Australian sharemarket is acceptable to commencement the week connected the backmost foot, with futures pointing to a diminution of 35 points, oregon 0.5 per cent, astatine the open.

A pullback successful large exertion stocks, which person been large winners successful the market’s record-breaking run-up, weighed connected the market. Apple fell 1.6 per cent, Microsoft mislaid 1.3 per cent and Meta Platforms ended 3 per cent lower.

The late-afternoon burst of selling whitethorn bespeak traders taking profits, with the marketplace adjacent all-time highs, oregon rebalancing their portfolios arsenic the 2nd 4th comes to a close, said Ross Mayfield, concern strategy expert astatine Baird.


“It wouldn’t astonishment maine astatine each if determination was immoderate profit-taking today, particularly retired of the names that person truly tally up,” Mayfield said. “That could beryllium wherefore we’re seeing a small spot of further weakness from large tech versus the remainder of the market.”

The marketplace headed higher successful the aboriginal going pursuing a intimately watched study that showed ostentation continues easing. Investors are hoping that cooling ostentation volition punctual the Federal Reserve to commencement cutting involvement rates, which stay astatine their highest level successful much than 20 years.

Consumer prices roseate 2.6 per cent successful May compared with a twelvemonth ago, according to the latest idiosyncratic depletion expenditures index, oregon PCE. That signalled continued easing from a 2.7 per cent speechmaking successful April and is sharply little than the highest speechmaking of 7.1 per cent 2 years ago.

“It’s moving successful the close absorption and this is what the Fed needs to marque a determination to chopped rates,” said Quincy Krosby, main planetary strategist for LPL Financial.

The PCE is the Fed’s preferred measurement of ostentation and the latest speechmaking is encouraging for economists and investors who are hoping for complaint cuts to assistance easiness unit connected the marketplace and borrowers. Wall Street is betting that the Fed volition commencement cutting involvement rates astatine its gathering successful September.

Jerome Powell, president  of the US Federal Reserve, which aims to dilatory  economical  maturation  capable   to chill  inflation, but not truthful  overmuch  that the system  slips into a recession.

Jerome Powell, president of the US Federal Reserve, which aims to dilatory economical maturation capable to chill inflation, but not truthful overmuch that the system slips into a recession.Credit: Bloomberg

Treasury yields roseate successful the enslaved marketplace aft initially losing crushed pursuing the latest awesome of easing inflation. The output connected the 10-year Treasury, which influences involvement rates connected mortgages and different user loans, roseate to 4.38 per cent from 4.30 per cent conscionable anterior to the merchandise of the PCE data. The output connected the two-year Treasury, which much intimately tracks expectations for Fed actions, roseate to 4.74 per cent from 4.72 per cent conscionable anterior to the data’s release.

The Fed raised involvement rates to their highest level successful much than 2 decades successful an effort to tame ostentation backmost to its 2 per cent target. Other measures of inflation, including the well-known user terms index, person besides confirmed that unit connected prices has been easing.

Consumers are inactive feeling unit from inflation, contempt the important easing from its peak, and caller information has shown that spending is weakening and weighing down economical growth. The Fed’s extremity was to dilatory economical maturation capable to chill inflation, but not truthful overmuch that the system slips into a recession.

“This operation of ostentation coming down and consumers being overmuch much cautious with spending patterns allows the marketplace to spot the anticipation of a complaint chopped successful September,” Krosby said.

The beardown jobs marketplace has been different large origin driving economical growth, but that has besides shown signs of weakening. Wall Street volition get updates connected occupation openings, unemployment, and hiring adjacent week.

Nike tumbled 20 per cent for the biggest diminution among S&P 500 stocks aft the footwear and diversion deterioration institution missed Wall Street’s gross targets and chopped its full-year income guidance. Company executives said they expect income to diminution by azygous digits successful the existent fiscal year, citing a “challenging” environment.

Nike’s dour outlook dragged different diversion apparel companies down with it. Foot Locker fell 2.4 per cent, Skechers mislaid 1 per cent and Under Armour dropped 2.6 per cent.


More retailers, particularly those focusing connected discretionary items, person been informing astir a slowdown successful user spending. Consumers hardly accrued spending successful May from April, according to the latest authorities retail income report.

Gains successful fiscal assemblage stocks helped bounds the pullback successful the S&P 500. JPMorgan Chase roseate 1.6 per cent and Wells Fargo closed 3.4 per cent higher.

The S&P 500 closed retired its last trading time of June with a 3.5 per cent summation for the month. The scale is up astir 14.5 per cent truthful acold this year.

The Nasdaq gained astir 6 per cent for the period and is up 18.1 per cent this year.

All told, the S&P 500 fell 22.39 points to 5460.48. The Dow dropped 45.20 points to 39,118.86. The Nasdaq slid 126.08 points to adjacent astatine 17,732.60.


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