Australian rugby star Hayne will not face new rape trial

2 days ago 3

46 minutes ago

By Tiffanie Turnbull, BBC News, Sydney

Getty Images Jarryd HayneGetty Images

Jarryd Hayne's lawsuit has been 1 of the astir high-profile successful Australia successful caller years

Former Australian rugby league prima Jarryd Hayne volition not basal proceedings for a 4th clip successful the aforesaid rape case, aft prosecutors dropped the charges against him.

The 36-year-old won an entreaty against his convictions earlier this month.

He has faced proceedings for the aforesaid alleged battle 3 times, with the archetypal ending successful a hung assemblage and the second's blameworthy verdict besides overturned connected appeal.

Hayne has consistently denied helium attacked the pistillate - who cannot legally beryllium named - successful her chamber successful 2018, arguing the brace had consensual sex.

One of Australian rugby league's astir decorated athletes, Hayne besides had a little NFL vocation successful the US.

In a connection connected Tuesday night, the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) said it would not prosecute the lawsuit again, having "carefully considered the galore competing factors" and assessing what is successful the "public interest”.

“As the reasons for the determination are legally privileged, they volition not beryllium disclosed and the ODPP volition not remark further,” the connection added.

Hayne has collectively spent astir 2 years successful jailhouse arsenic the ineligible saga has unfolded, and his accuser has been forced to springiness grounds and look lengthy cross-examination aggregate times.

When handing down their entreaty judgment, some judges who upheld Mr Hayne's entreaty said they believed a 4th proceedings should not proceed.

In her written reasons, Justice Deborah Sweeney said that successful her presumption it "would not beryllium successful the interests of justice".

Justice Rothman agreed, saying a proceedings was "unlikely" to hap earlier the expiry of Mr Hayne's non-parole play - and that helium has already served astir of it anyway.

However, some emphasised the aboriginal of the lawsuit was up to the ODPP.

A erstwhile skipper of the Parramatta Eels, Mr Hayne doubly won the NRL's subordinate of the twelvemonth grant and played 11 Tests for Australia.

At the tallness of his vocation successful Australia, successful 2015 helium joined the NFL successful the US with the San Francisco 49ers.

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