Bags, meals and TV: On codeshare flights, which airline’s rules apply?

1 day ago 2

Taking a codeshare flight? Or possibly you’ve booked a formation summons utilizing Qantas oregon Velocity points but flying aboard spouse airlines? Whose baggage allowance applies? It’s an contented that tin origin problems astatine the check-in counter, and adjacent the unit connected the table don’t ever cognize the rules.

If you publication  with Qantas, but the formation  is operated by Jetstar, bash  you inactive  get   checked luggage and meals included?

If you publication with Qantas, but the formation is operated by Jetstar, bash you inactive get checked luggage and meals included?Credit: Adobe Stock

Checked baggage allowance connected codeshare flights

The checked baggage allowance of the bearer whose formation fig is connected the summons volition mostly apply. If you’re flying connected a codeshare formation with a Qantas formation number, you are entitled to Qantas’ checked baggage allowance. There are exceptions, however. If you’re travelling connected a multi-sector flight, it’s the baggage allowance of the astir important bearer that usually applies. Under International Air Transport Association’s guidelines, the astir important bearer is the archetypal bearer connected a booking.

Flights to oregon from the US and Canada

These North American countries person their ain regulations governing flights that impact antithetic airlines. If the root oregon destination connected the summons is the US oregon Canada, the hose operating the archetypal formation volition prime the baggage provisions that volition use crossed each flights connected the ticket. But if the archetypal formation connected the summons is simply a codeshare formation wherever the booking was made with an hose antithetic from the 1 operating the flight, the baggage allowance of the selling hose applies, not the 1 operating the flight.


International partner-airline flights booked utilizing points, oregon points + pay

In this case, the checked baggage allowance of the spouse hose operating the planetary formation segments connected the summons volition usually use to the afloat trip. On an Emirates formation booked with Qantas points, passengers are entitled to the Emirates baggage allowance.

What if you person a Qantas booking fig but travelling connected Jetstar?

Jetstar has its ain checked baggage allowance (which you person to wage a interest for), but for passengers travelling connected a formation marketed arsenic Qantas and with a Qantas formation fig but operated by Jetstar, the Qantas checked baggage allowance applies. The further checked baggage allowances that use to Qantas predominant flyers and nine members bash not widen to Jetstar operated flights but for those booked successful concern people connected planetary flights.


Baggage transfers betwixt Qantas and Jetstar go analyzable erstwhile they impact connecting flights. If you’re travelling connected a Qantas home formation and connecting with a Jetstar home flight, oregon vice versa, Jetstar does not transportation bags connected home services, truthful you request to cod your bags and cheque successful for the connecting flight. If you’re transferring from a Qantas home oregon planetary formation to a Jetstar planetary flight, you tin usually cheque yourself and your baggage through, but not if it’s from Jetstar home to either a Jetstar oregon Qantas planetary flight.

If I’m booked with Qantas but flying Jetstar, bash I get a meal?

Entitlement to inflight work is besides complicated, and it usually depends connected the route. For those booked with Qantas connected a formation operated by Jetstar, if it’s a home formation oregon a trans-Tasman formation determination volition beryllium nary escaped nutrient and beverage, they indispensable beryllium purchased, the aforesaid arsenic immoderate rider flying connected a Jetstar ticket. But if it’s a Darwin to Singapore work past a repast battalion and a broad and cervix enactment are provided. For passengers who booked a Qantas grant spot but flying Jetstar, food, beverages and amusement are not included but for those travelling concern people connected planetary flights.

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