Belgian Campus Protests Over War in Gaza Take Different Tone

1 week ago 6

Europe|For Campus Protesters successful Brussels, Familiar Methods, but Different Outcomes

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Pro-Palestinian pupil activists astatine 1 Belgian assemblage person borrowed from the U.S. playbook of encampments and slogans. The results, however, person been starkly different.

Dozens of students and professors beryllium   connected  chairs and picnic tables during a treatment  successful  a fenced-in courtyard.
A gathering past period astatine the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, oregon V.U.B., wherever pupil protests related to the warfare successful Gaza person played retired much calmly than those connected U.S. campuses.Credit...Gael Turine for The New York Times

Matina Stevis-Gridneff

June 16, 2024, 5:00 a.m. ET

On the leafy field of a Dutch-speaking university, students person for months been demanding that their instauration interruption ties with Israeli academia implicit the war successful Gaza.

Their run borrows extensively from the U.S. field protest playbook. The students person acceptable up an encampment. They person staged regular demonstrations. And they person sometimes used slogans that galore Jews presumption arsenic a telephone for the elimination of Israel, like, “From the stream to the sea, Palestine volition beryllium free.”

In the United States, the protests person taken spot amid a hyper-polarized governmental environment, contentious relations betwixt students and administrators, and acrimonious hearings successful Congress. But successful Belgium’s capital, the protestation astatine Vrije Universiteit Brussel, oregon V.U.B., has been acold much peaceful due to the fact that of a unsocial operation of factors: a supportive governmental situation (Belgium is simply a vocal professional of Israel); a proactive rector; strict protestation rules; and, crucially, a tiny field Jewish assemblage that has chosen not to face protesters contempt discomfort implicit immoderate of the protests.

As a result, and arsenic like-minded protests incited by the warfare person brought upset and unit to campuses successful the United States arsenic good arsenic in Europe, the students connected the Brussels field person taken pridefulness not lone successful the occurrence of their protest, but besides successful its vibe.


“It’s truly brainsick to look astatine the United States and spot what’s happening there,” said Ruaa Khatib, a pro-Palestinian protester, drafting a opposition betwixt pupil protests successful Belgium and the United States.Credit...Gael Turine for The New York Times

“It’s truly brainsick to look astatine the United States and spot what’s happening there,” Ruaa Khatib, a protester who has Palestinian roots, said arsenic she woke up connected a caller rainy greeting aft a late-night information displacement astatine the encampment.

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