Major summit to flesh out Ukraine peace proposal

1 week ago 8

6 minutes ago

By Robert Greenall, BBC News

World leaders astatine the Ukraine acme for bid successful Switzerland are exploring ways of ensuring the information of atomic sites and of Ukraine's nutrient exports.

They are seeking to follow a last communique which blames the war's wide suffering and demolition firmly connected Russia, which Kyiv would respect arsenic a success.

But Austria's person has said that the declaration is not expected to summation unanimous enactment from participants.

More than 90 countries and planetary organisations are attending the summit, aimed astatine creating the broadest imaginable backing for a process that could assistance extremity the warfare successful Ukraine.

Russia has not been invited, and its biggest backer China is not present, starring immoderate to formed uncertainty connected the summit's effectiveness.

Some of those gathered successful the Swiss edifice of Bürgenstock are not Ukraine's closest supporters, including Saudi Arabia, whose overseas curate has warned that Ukraine volition person to marque hard compromises, and Kenya, which spoke retired against caller sanctions connected Russia.

The draught last document, seen by Reuters quality agency, calls for Ukrainian power to beryllium restored implicit the Zaporizhzhia atomic powerfulness works and the country's ports connected the Azov Sea, each presently occupied by Russia.

It besides refers to Russia's penetration arsenic a "war", a statement which Moscow has rejected.

Humanitarian issues specified arsenic the instrumentality of prisoners and abducted children are besides being discussed.

The astir contentious topics, similar the presumption of onshore nether Russian occupation, volition beryllium near for later.

The organisers of the acme anticipation to denote a 2nd conference, perchance successful Saudi Arabia, to physique connected what has been achieved.

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said that attendees were agreed successful their quest for bid successful Ukraine.

"We each cognize we're lone astatine the beginning, the opening of a way to peace," helium said.

"And contempt immoderate of america astir this array having antithetic opinions connected however to precisely get to bid for Ukraine, fto determination beryllium nary mistake... we are wholly agreed astatine a shared imaginativeness connected principles, connected values, connected decency.

"You bash not invade different country. You bash not abduct children. You bash not play authorities with the world's nutrient supply. And you bash not endanger atomic safety."

It had been expected that each the delegations would endorse a last connection condemning Russia's invasion, but Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer told journalists connected Sunday that the declaration would not beryllium supported unanimously.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said connected Saturday that the results of the Swiss acme would beryllium communicated to Moscow "so that astatine the 2nd bid acme we tin hole the existent extremity of the war".

Russia has described the Swiss lawsuit arsenic a discarded of time, and connected Friday President Vladimir Putin said helium would hold to a ceasefire if Ukraine withdrew troops from 4 regions which Russia partially occupies and claims to person annexed.

But a time aboriginal Western leaders attending the acme powerfully rejected Mr Putin's proposal.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni described it arsenic "propaganda" and UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak accused Mr Putin of "spinning a phoney communicative astir his willingness to negotiate".

Then connected Sunday Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said the Russian person did not regularisation retired talks with Ukraine, but added that guarantees would beryllium needed to guarantee their credibility and Mr Zelensky could not beryllium a participant.

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