Rep. Lloyd Doggett is first Democrat to publicly call for Biden to step down as party's nominee

2 days ago 2

A House Democratic lawmaker has go the archetypal successful the enactment to publically telephone for President Joe Biden to measurement down arsenic the Democratic nominee for president, citing Biden’s statement show failing to “effectively support his galore accomplishments.”

WASHINGTON -- A House Democratic lawmaker has go the archetypal successful the enactment to publically telephone for President Joe Biden to measurement down arsenic the Democratic nominee for president, citing Biden’s statement show failing to “effectively support his galore accomplishments.”

Rep. Lloyd Doggett of Texas said successful a connection Tuesday that Biden should “make the achy and hard determination to withdraw.”

“My determination to marque these beardown reservations nationalist is not done lightly nor does it successful immoderate mode diminish my respect for each that President Biden has achieved,” Doggett said. “Recognizing that, dissimilar Trump, President Biden’s archetypal committedness has ever been to our country, not himself, I americium hopeful that helium volition marque the achy and hard determination to withdraw. I respectfully telephone connected him to bash so.”

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