The Rev. William Lawson, Texas civil rights leader who worked with Martin Luther King Jr, dies at 95

3 weeks ago 10

The Rev. William “Bill” Lawson, a longtime pastor and civilian rights person who helped desegregate Houston, Texas, and worked with the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. during the civilian rights movement, has died

HOUSTON -- The Rev. William “Bill” Lawson, a longtime pastor and civilian rights person who helped desegregate Houston and worked with the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. during the civilian rights movement, has died. He was 95.

Lawson’s longtime church, Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church successful that Texas city, announced connected its website that helium had died connected Tuesday.

“He has completed his clip of work present connected world and is present enjoying eternal rest,” the religion said successful its announcement.

Lawson founded Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church successful 1962 and served arsenic its pastor for 42 years earlier retiring successful 2004. He was known arsenic “Houston’s Pastor” and remained progressive successful his religion and the assemblage aft retirement.

He worked with King during the civilian rights question by mounting up the section bureau of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the civilian rights enactment that was led by King.

During an interrogation successful 2021 with his girl Melanie Lawson, an anchor with KTRK successful Houston, William Lawson recalled however helium offered to play big to King astatine his religion erstwhile others would not aft the FBI wrongly accused King of being a communist.

“I told his unit I don’t person a large church. But he’s perfectly welcomed to travel to my religion and helium came to Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church and helium preached there,” Lawson said.

Both men remained adjacent friends until King’s assassination successful 1968.

Community leaders successful Houston praised Lawson and his bequest connected Tuesday.

“He is 1 of the reasons wherefore our metropolis is truthful great. He helped america during the play of civilian rights and societal justice,” Mayor John Whitmire said. “Houston benefited from his leadership, his character.”

Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis said though Houston mourns his loss, “we observe a bequest that volition usher america for generations to come.”

Memorial services celebrating Lawson’s beingness were acceptable to beryllium held astatine Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church connected May 23 and May 24.

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