Thousands Flee in Gaza as Israel Orders More Evacuations

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    July 2, 2024, 5:12 p.m. ET

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The Israeli subject says its run volition soon go little intense, but Palestinians were erstwhile again racing to flight the warring successful confederate Gaza, including Khan Younis.

People carrying their belongings connected  a crowded thoroughfare  with ruined buildings successful  the background.
Palestinians fleeing from Khan Younis pursuing an evacuation bid by the Israeli army.Credit...Saher Alghorra/Associated Press

July 2, 2024, 5:00 p.m. ET

Israel issued a caller circular of evacuation orders for a ample swath of the confederate Gaza Strip connected Tuesday, sending thousands of Palestinians fleeing erstwhile again for comparative safety.

In caller weeks, Israeli officials person spoken of moving toward narrower, much targeted attacks, but the exodus taking spot successful the metropolis of Khan Younis made it wide Tuesday that for Gazans, a instrumentality to mean beingness is not close.

Gazans who had already been forced to fly again and again were erstwhile much connected the move, hauling piles of their belongings connected cars, trucks and donkey carts. Hospital patients were pushed successful wheelchairs alongside others who fled connected foot.

“How agelong tin we support being ordered: Leave and travel back, permission and travel back?” wondered 1 Gazan, Suzan Abu Daqqa, 59, aft fleeing her location southeast of Khan Younis.

The trigger for the evacuation orders appeared to beryllium a barrage of astir 20 rockets that the Israeli subject said had been fired from Khan Younis by Palestinian militants a time earlier. Israeli forces struck backmost overnight aft “enabling civilians to evacuate from the area,” the subject said.

The United Nations estimated that immoderate 250,000 radical volition person to fly ample areas of confederate Gaza to comply with the caller orders. Scott Anderson, a elder U.N. official, said the calculation was based connected prewar colonisation information and anecdotal observations of however galore radical had returned to the area.

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