Venkaiah Naidu: An unwavering commitment to public service, Bharat

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4 min read 01 Jul 2024, 12:20 AM IST checkcibilBtn

Narendra Modi

Naidu and I person been associated with each different for decades. We person worked unneurotic and I person besides learnt a batch from him

Prime Minister Narendra Modi with erstwhile  vice president   M. Venkaiah Naidu during a gathering  successful  New Delhi connected  25 June. (PTI)Premium Prime Minister Narendra Modi with erstwhile vice president M. Venkaiah Naidu during a gathering successful New Delhi connected 25 June. (PTI)

Today, India’s erstwhile vice president and respected statesman M. Venkaiah Naidu garu turns 75. This is an juncture to observe a person whose beingness travel showcases dedication, adaptability and an unwavering committedness to nationalist service. From his aboriginal days successful the governmental arena to his tenure arsenic vice president, Naidu’s vocation exemplifies his unsocial quality to navigate the complexities of Indian authorities with easiness and humility. His eloquence, wit and steadfast absorption connected developmental issues person earned him respect crossed enactment lines.

Naidu and I person been associated with each different for decades. We person worked unneurotic and I person besides learnt a batch from him. If determination is 1 happening that has remained communal successful his life, it is the emotion for people. His brushwood with activism and authorities began successful Andhra Pradesh with pupil politics. He preferred to enactment with the Sangh Parivar due to the fact that helium was inspired by the imaginativeness of ‘nation first’.

When the Emergency was imposed astir 50 years ago, an young Naidu immersed himself successful the anti-Emergency movement. He was imprisoned for inviting Loknayak JP to Andhra Pradesh. This committedness to ideology would beryllium seen clip and again successful his governmental career. In the mid-1980s, erstwhile NTR’s authorities was unceremoniously dismissed by the Congress, helium was again astatine the forefront of the question to support antiauthoritarian principles. Naidu has ever been comfy swimming adjacent against the astir formidable tides. In 1978, Andhra Pradesh voted for the Congress but helium bushed the inclination and was elected arsenic an MLA. Five years later, erstwhile the NTR tsunami swept the state, helium got elected arsenic a MLA, paving the mode for BJP’s maturation successful the state.

All those who person heard Naidu talk volition vouch for his oratory skills. He is surely a wordsmith but helium is arsenic overmuch a worksmith. He went connected to play a large relation successful strengthening the BJP successful Andhra Pradesh, going crossed the villages and connecting with radical from each walks of life. He led the enactment connected the level of the Assembly and adjacent became BJP president of Andhra Pradesh.

It was successful the 1990s that the BJP cardinal enactment took enactment of Naidu’s efforts and frankincense successful 1993 began his stint successful nationalist authorities erstwhile helium was appointed the party’s each India wide secretary. After the determination to Delhi, determination was nary looking backmost and helium roseate to go the nationalist president of the Party. In 2000, erstwhile Atal Vajpayee was keen to induct Naidu successful the authorities arsenic a minister, the second instantly conveyed his penchant for the agrarian improvement ministry. Naidu was clear- helium was a kisan putra, helium had spent his aboriginal days successful the villages and thus, if determination was 1 country helium wished to work, it was agrarian development. As minister, helium was intimately associated with the conception and rolling retired of the ‘Pradhan Mantri Gramin Sadak Yojana.’ Years later, erstwhile the NDA Government of 2014 assumed office, helium handled the important portfolios of municipality development, lodging and municipality poorness Alleviation. It was during his tenure that we launched the important Swachh Bharat Mission and important municipality development-related schemes. Perhaps, helium is 1 of the lone leaders to person worked for some agrarian and municipality improvement for specified an extended period.

When I came to Delhi successful 2014, I was an outsider to the nationalist capital, having worked successful Gujarat for the erstwhile decennary and a half. In specified times, Naidu’s insights were precise handy. He was an effectual Parliamentary Affairs Minister. In 2017, our Alliance nominated him arsenic our vice-presidential candidate. Upon becoming the vice president, helium undertook assorted steps that besides enhanced the dignity of the office. He was an outstanding chairperson of the Rajya Sabha, ensuring that young MPs, women MPs and archetypal clip MPs got the accidental to speak.

Apart from enactment and politics, Naidu is simply a voracious scholar and writer too. For the radical of Delhi, helium is known arsenic the idiosyncratic who brought the glorious Telugu civilization to the city. His Ugadi and Sankranti programmes are among the astir cherished gatherings successful town. I person ever known Naidu arsenic idiosyncratic who loves nutrient and besides hosting people. But, of late, his self-control has besides been disposable to everyone. His committedness to fittingness is seen successful however helium inactive plays badminton and enjoys his brisk walk.

Even aft the vice presidency, Naidu has led an progressive nationalist life. On the issues that helium is passionate astir oregon connected assorted developments that instrumentality spot crossed the nation, helium calls maine and asks maine astir it. I met him astir precocious erstwhile our authorities returned to bureau for the 3rd term. He was delighted and conveyed his champion wishes to maine and our team. I privation him erstwhile again connected this milestone. I anticipation young Karyakartas, elected representatives and each those who person a passionateness to service larn from his beingness and imbibe those values. It is radical similar him who marque our federation amended and much vibrant.

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Published: 01 Jul 2024, 12:20 AM IST

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