Wednesday Briefing: President Biden’s Lapses Increase

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Plus, Israel’s generals privation a truce.

Daniel E. Slotnik

July 2, 2024, 4:56 p.m. ET


President Biden boarding a plane.
In the weeks earlier the debate, President Biden kept up a grueling question schedule.Credit...Haiyun Jiang for The New York Times

President Biden appeared confused oregon listless successful the weeks and months earlier his devastating statement show past week, according to galore who encountered him.

People who spent clip with him — including existent and erstwhile White House aides, governmental advisers, overseas diplomats and fiscal donors — said that the lapses seemed to beryllium increasing much frequent, much pronounced and much worrisome.

Biden is seemingly not ever that way: Many who were with him successful the days since the statement person described him arsenic alert, coherent and capable. But by galore accounts, Biden is not the aforesaid contiguous arsenic helium was adjacent erstwhile helium took bureau 3 and a fractional years ago.

Donald Trump, 78, has shown his ain signs of slipping implicit the years and often makes statements that are incoherent. But portion voters person expressed worries astir his property arsenic well, their concerns astir him person not been to the aforesaid grade arsenic those astir Biden.

Call to driblet out: Representative Lloyd Doggett of Texas became the archetypal Democratic congressman to publicly telephone for Biden to extremity his campaign.

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