With Fists and Knives, Mobs Attack Syrian Refugees in Turkey

2 days ago 6

Middle East|With Fists and Knives, Mobs Attack Syrian Refugees successful Turkey


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As economical woes turn successful Turkey, groups of men person targeted Syrian refugees there. In response, fighters crossed the borderline successful bluish Syria person confronted Turkish soldiers.

Men clasp  a wood   coffin supra  their shoulders portion    walking down   a street.
In Afrin, Syria, mourners carried the coffin of a antheral killed during protests against Turkey.Credit...Bilal Al Hammoud/EPA, via Shutterstock

July 2, 2024, 4:43 p.m. ET

Over the past 2 days, aggravated groups of men successful a half-dozen cities successful Turkey person turned connected the Syrian refugees surviving among them, damaging their shops and cars and assaulting them with fists and knives.

Across the borderline successful parts of bluish Syria wherever Turkey holds sway, Syrians person confronted the Turkish soldiers successful their midst, pelting their vehicles with rocks, tearing down Turkish flags and condemning them successful thoroughfare protests.

The scattered violence, which has near astatine slightest 7 radical dormant successful Syria, according to a warfare monitor, has exposed increasing cracks successful the coexistence betwixt Syrians and Turks connected some sides of their shared border. After years of mostly peaceful relations, caller governmental shifts and deepening economical distress person brought tensions to the surface.

Many Turks person travel to resent the 3.1 cardinal Syrian refugees successful their state and impeach them, with oregon without evidence, of fueling economical troubles that see debased wages and persistent ostentation that exceeded 75 percent successful May.

And galore Syrians who reason the authorities of President Bashar al-Assad person gone from viewing Turkey arsenic their top protector to fearing that it volition wantonness them. Support for the thought of sending Syrian refugees location has dispersed crossed Turkey’s governmental spectrum.

Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who chopped ties with Syria successful 2011 and backed the rebels seeking to topple Mr. al-Assad, said past week helium would not regularisation retired gathering his erstwhile foe to effort to reconstruct ties.

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