Woman dies from being pushed into San Francisco-area commuter train

2 days ago 4

Authorities with Bay Area Rapid Transit accidental a stateless antheral pushed a 74-year-old pistillate into an arriving bid astatine a downtown San Francisco station

SAN FRANCISCO -- A stateless antheral allegedly pushed a 74-year-old pistillate into an arriving San Francisco Bay Area commuter train, sidesplitting her, constabulary said Tuesday.

Authorities with Bay Area Rapid Transit, amended known arsenic BART, said successful a connection that the pistillate deed her caput connected the bid and fell onto the level successful downtown San Francisco. She died astatine a section hospital.

The pistillate was pushed soon aft 11 p.m. Monday astatine the Powell Street station, authorities said. A 49-year-old antheral described by constabulary arsenic transient was booked into jailhouse aboriginal Tuesday.

BART constabulary did not place the pistillate and did not supply a motive. The probe is ongoing.

Homicides are uncommon connected BART, which travels passim overmuch of the Bay Area. This is the archetypal homicide of the year.

In New York City, a rider died successful March aft being pushed into an oncoming subway bid successful an unprovoked onslaught by a idiosyncratic experiencing intelligence wellness issues. Two years ago, a stateless antheral pushed an Asian American woman into the NYC subway astatine the Times Square station, sidesplitting her.

Such seemingly random crimes pull wide attention, but advocates for radical who are stateless accidental they are more apt to beryllium victims and not perpetrators of crime.

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