After Zac Efron Shared New Details About Making “High School Musical,” People Are Praising Him For Embracing His Past

2 days ago 3

In lawsuit you missed it, Zac precocious sat down with Vanity Fair to rewatch immoderate of his aged movies — including a clip of himself performing arsenic the 1 and lone Troy Bolton successful the archetypal High School Musical film, which came retired successful 2006.

The country successful question was his show of “Get’cha Head In The Game,” which, arsenic I’m definite you’ll astir apt recall, involves a batch of method hoops choreography. And portion rewatching, Zac rapidly noted that his stunts were each his own.

Going into much item astir the shooting process, Zac recalled the analyzable choreography and however “incredibly motivated” helium and his co-stars were to execute the country flawlessly — which they yet did.

Zac revealed that helium and his co-stars — including Corbin Bleu, who played Chad — were lone afforded astir “two days” of signifier to nail the iconic hoops dribbling series successful the number.

Of course, Zac and his co-stars were right. High School Musical turned retired to beryllium precise chill indeed. The archetypal airing of the movie connected Disney Channel brought successful 7.7 cardinal viewers, breaking the grounds for the highest ratings for immoderate telecast ever connected the web astatine the time.

The billion-dollar movie franchise launched Zac’s vocation into a caller stratosphere, turning him into the prima helium is today. Now, successful a satellite wherever many antheral actors region themselves from earlier enactment successful hopes of being taken much earnestly arsenic performers, fans emotion that Zac praises HSM alternatively than minimizing it.

Reacting to the Vanity Fair video, a post connected X with implicit 174,000 likes highlighted Zac’s “commitment to ever speaking highly” of the franchise alternatively of disregarding it arsenic “some embarrassing happening helium did arsenic a teenager.”

Zac efron’s committedness to ever speaking highly of precocious schoolhouse philharmonic and not treating it arsenic immoderate embarrassing happening helium did arsenic a teen is truthful charming to me

— alex 💭 ⁷ (@nothnghppens) July 2, 2024

Twitter: @nothnghppens

Many others echoed this sentiment, saying: “It's awesome erstwhile celebs clasp their past annd [sic] support it real.”

In a testament to HSM’s lasting taste impact, 1 instrumentality hilariously compared Zac watching himself successful the archetypal movie to “leonardo da vinci watching himself overgarment the mona lisa,” amassing much than 125,000 likes.

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