Amid champagne gifts and shameless rorting, one institution is fighting back

2 days ago 4

Champagne is not a connection you’d expect to find successful an audit of an Australian authorities section and a planetary weapons manufacturer. But a caller study from the nation’s audit bureau into however the Department of Defence ended up with a $1.2 cardinal declaration with Thales, “champagne” appeared 5 times.

In the aforesaid report, the connection unethical was utilized connected 8 occasions and, much worryingly, the contented of worth for wealth – and whether the section managed to execute it connected behalf of taxpayers – was raised 49 times.

The acquisition  of a vessel  of champagne was conscionable  1  contented   raised by the nationalist  audit office.

The acquisition of a vessel of champagne was conscionable 1 contented raised by the nationalist audit office.Credit: Istock

That study is 1 of galore released implicit the past 2 months by the Australian National Audit Office, each of which constituent to immense problems wrong parts of the nationalist service, its cognition to money, and a civilization that has intelligibly deteriorated.

The audit bureau is simply a captious constituent of the nation’s democracy. So important is the relation of auditor-general, its instauration was the 4th portion of authorities ever passed by our archetypal premier curate successful 1901.

The occupation is to scrutinise Commonwealth spending, and the structures enactment successful spot by departments and agencies to rotation retired programs and policies. This is forensic examination, not the governmental amusement trials seen successful Senate estimates, wherever 1 enactment often tries to embarrass the other.

The purpose is to amended however payer wealth is spent, to guarantee policies are moving (rather than being covered up with a blizzard of governmental spin), and to bring attraction to shortcomings.


It was the audit office, for instance, that revealed the Morrison government’s misuse of the Community Sports Infrastructure Grant with a colour-coded spreadsheet that identified however task approvals corresponded with Coalition electorates.

It was besides the audit bureau that revealed the aforesaid authorities had politicised a $600 cardinal commuter car parkland program, which included discovering a papers sent betwixt Alan Tudge’s and Scott Morrison’s offices up of the 2019 election, titled “top marginal electorates”.

The caller champagne audit recovered a Defence authoritative not lone sought a vessel of popular from Thales during discussions implicit the proviso of explosives and munitions, but past supplied interior departmental advice to Thales, which yet won the declaration contempt its tender effect being recovered not to connection taxpayers worth for money. Later, that aforesaid authoritative near the section and took up a elder position with, you guessed it, Thales.

The auditor-general noted “evidence of unethical conduct” by the department, and the National Anti-Corruption Commission has been asked to investigate.

Since the opening of the year, the audit bureau has been engaged uncovering adjacent much issues. These are truthful egregious they marque the sports rort look similar a household picnic.

An audit uncovered immense  problems successful  the upgrade to the Australian War Memorial.

An audit uncovered immense problems successful the upgrade to the Australian War Memorial.Credit: Alamy

This is not conscionable a concern of the auditor mopping up messes near by erstwhile governments, either. Though a national ungraded strategy was committed to successful the Morrison government’s 2021-22 national budget, the Albanese authorities afloat adopted the backing committedness past year.

Last month, however, the audit bureau noted immense problems with the strategy, not slightest that the plan and aboriginal implementation of the program “was not effective”.

In April, the handling of a $500 cardinal upgrade to the Australian War Memorial – overseen by the erstwhile authorities – was besides ripped into, with the audit bureau uncovering Morrison announced the task earlier a concern lawsuit had been enactment together, that determination were conflicts of involvement implicit cardinal contracts, and that taxpayers were connected the hook for important outgo blowouts.


On May 8, the audit bureau released a study into however the Department of Home Affairs managed astir 5000 migration agents who are often utilized by radical seeking to determination to Australia. It recovered the section was simply not effectual astatine doing its job, determining it didn’t cognize if agents were “fit and due to springiness migration assistance and are persons of integrity”.

See a signifier here? In each reports, problems wrong the bureaucracy, mediocre decisions, a discarded of nationalist money, and substandard outcomes radiance through.

The adverse findings besides item different increasing problem: the ongoing breakdown successful our governmental strategy that has go each announcement and nary follow-through.

Last week, the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit, which examines audit bureau reports, released a study into an audit of the $2 cardinal Community Health and Hospitals Program.

In thing ripped from an occurrence of Yes, Prime Minister, the audit bureau recovered officials wrong the Department of Health had, successful the process of fast-tracking authorities grants, breached the instrumentality and ignored proposal that the grants were unconstitutional. Pretty superior worldly for authorities employees, you’d think. And yet, the section rewarded said officials with “congestion-busting” awards.

The parliamentary committee recovered the strategy (also acceptable up by the erstwhile government) had been “ineffective” and fell abbreviated of “ethical requirements”. It besides noted: “In retrospect, the proviso of immoderate grant for administering a strategy wherever yet nationalist wealth was paid without immoderate ineligible authority, successful defiance of ineligible advice, seems to beryllium not conscionable wrong, but a signifier of trolling that perverts the due intent of interior bureau awards.”

It’s yet to beryllium seen whether Department of Health and Ageing Secretary Blair Comley follows done connected the committee’s proposal that the congestion-busting grant beryllium revoked. That would beryllium 1 tiny measurement towards recognising the stupidity of it all.

But if thing changes soon, expect to spot much highly captious reports from an over-worked audit office.

Shane Wright is simply a elder economics correspondent.

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