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When We Was Fab: Inside the Beatles Australasian Tour 1964
Andy Neill and Greg Armstrong, Woodslane Press, $69.99

Sixty years agone this week, an English popular radical flew retired of Australia, spent, ne'er to return. Thirteen months aboriginal they’d halt performing altogether. Five much years and they’d divided successful precocious dudgeon. Today 2 members are dead. And yet present we are, inactive blinking into the past and asking: “What conscionable happened?”

It’s the mania, not the Beatles, that fuels this proclaimed “last connection connected the subject”. Sure, the musicians are pictured, often aggregate times, connected astir each 1 of its 300 glossy, LP-sized pages. Their pithy property league banter and polite newsprint soundbites are faithfully transcribed. But they’re not here. Like their famously inaudible concerts, they’re obliterated by thing beyond their doing and beyond each reason.

The hint to intelligibly obsessive chroniclers Andy Neill and Greg Armstrong’s intentions arsenic curators is successful the title. When We Was Fab was borrowed from George Harrison’s sentimental azygous of ’87, but present the “we” refers to the radical of the confederate British colonies emerging from the post-war cold. And blimey cobber, we weren’t fractional funny.

To immoderate of us, this popular radical heralded the extremity of humanity: “a reversion to the corruptions, miseries and monstrosities of pagan civilisation earlier the Christian religion showed men and women however to beryllium genuinely quality and free”, 1 commentator wailed.

To others, it was conscionable a bully small earner. “Two Dulwich Hill butchers recovered that humming Beatle tunes portion wearing Beatle wigs ‘for a joke’ sold doubly arsenic galore joints of nutrient to funny housewives,” the authors study from their Herculean survey of interminable paper fluff.

Thousands of fans waiting for the Fab Four to look  connected  the balcony of Melbourne Town Hall.

Thousands of fans waiting for the Fab Four to look connected the balcony of Melbourne Town Hall.Credit: The Age

It was surely accelerated lucre alternatively than taste value that enactment the Beatles connected the Australia/New Zealand radar. Chapter 1 celebrates an opportunistic allegiance of aged blokes successful suits – Sydney theatre promoter Kenn Brodziak, “logistics manager” Dick Lean, UK endowment cause Cyril Berlin – exchanging letters astir “such scenes of enthusiasm by the youngsters” arsenic to bespeak “all sorts of lucrative engagements”.

Brodziak famously “got america astatine the aged price”, arsenic Paul McCartney wasted nary clip reminding him connected arrival. The Beatles’ rocket had taken disconnected lone months earlier. It’s to manager Brian Epstein’s eternal recognition that helium honoured a pre-mania arrangement, albeit with a flimsy premium to offset forfeited profits person to home.

“I cognize you whitethorn deliberation the [increase] is each alternatively naughty Cyril,” helium writes. But his revised petition for £2500 “per six-day week” seems jolly sporting for the 20 concerts (two per day) and maddening question and promotional demands that were astir to teardrop strips disconnected his lads’ smartly tailored suits and astoundingly resilient nerves.


Such is the anticipation, and truthful galore are the refuelling stops, that their Qantas formation doesn’t adjacent onshore until leafage 110. Long earlier that, arsenic instrumentality and media momentum builds, the book’s java array format invites dipping and flipping arsenic copious images, letters, charts and clippings of ads and articles bargain attraction from a dense communicative that adjacent Beatlemaniac readers mightiness find, well, overly detailed.

What coloured pyjamas did the boys bargain connected their Hong Kong stopover? Exactly wherever did everyone beryllium successful the gleaming achromatic open-topped Ford Galaxie convertible that drove them done the unequalled throng of Adelaide’s welcoming party? And what’s with this double-page dispersed astir a dry-cleaning institution competition?

History is nary uncertainty good served by specified painstaking research, but brochures from Beatle-blessed hotels, the names and ages of stand-in drummer Jimmie Nicol’s distant relatives successful Arncliffe, and heavy vocation dives into section vigor bit-players, instrumentality nine and merch operators mightiness measurement dense connected the little committed eyelid.

More bracing are big-picture indicators of the mode we were, whether it’s the remarkably akin notes of casual racism struck by rival AM vigor stations oregon sniggering references to “only the finest birds” being herded into edifice rooms for goodness knows what purposes. Not lone were Nazi salutes ineligible successful 1964, they were deemed hilarious erstwhile performed from the balcony of a Melbourne hotel. Fab oregon what?

On signifier    astatine  Festival Hall successful  Melbourne, wherever  the screaming drowned retired  the music...

On signifier astatine Festival Hall successful Melbourne, wherever the screaming drowned retired the music...Credit: John Lamb

“None of the instrumentality scenes displayed successful Britain oregon America ever came adjacent to the staggering show of affection that greeted the Beatles successful Australia, particularly successful Adelaide and Melbourne,” the authors archer us, softly arrogant of our culture-starved ancestors rising to clasp a caller satellite that was getting better, apparently, each the time.

Whether there’s immoderate headroom near for that affection to turn is debatable, arsenic those archetypal responders spell the mode of each fresh-faced popular fans, hounded to their graves by accusations of generational exceptionalism from grandchildren arguably little prone to hysteria, and with infinitely much mendacious idols connected offer. “One suspects that Western civilisation volition past the Beatles,” the Sydney Morning Herald editorial committee calmly opined astatine the tallness of the storm. Give oregon instrumentality the interminably agelong process of nostalgia, they were astir apt right.

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