Australia news LIVE: Fatima Payman quits Labor, fallout continues; Labour landslide predicted in UK vote

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Payman says determination to discontinue Labor was prompted by PM

By Olivia Ireland

Newly autarkic legislator Fatima Payman says she decided to leave the Labor party yesterday greeting but was prompted by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

Senator Fatima Payman sits with the crossbench during question   clip  successful  the Senate connected  Thursday.

Senator Fatima Payman sits with the crossbench during question clip successful the Senate connected Thursday.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

On Wednesday successful question time, Albanese flagged helium expected Payman to marque an announcement, which Payman said made her realise she needed to travel to a determination sooner alternatively than later.


“It was yesterday greeting erstwhile I made the determination that I request to resign,” Payman told ABC’s RN Breakfast connected Friday morning.

“It wasn’t until Wednesday during question clip erstwhile the PM said that, you know, we should beryllium expecting an announcement from Senator Payman astir what she plans connected doing. And truthful that made maine realise, Oh, I’m expected to marque a determination sooner than later,” Payman said.

“And that’s erstwhile I had to truly deliberation done and marque the determination and resign yesterday.”

Follow live: UK votes up of predicted Labour landslide

It’s predetermination time successful the UK, with implicit 40 cardinal Brits eligible to caput to the polls.

Although voting is astir to close, the UK’s predetermination rules mean we don’t cognize overmuch astir what’s going on.


The UK has restrictions connected what tin beryllium reported connected predetermination days earlier the polls adjacent to debar influencing voters. Unlike the United States, wherever determination is wall-to-wall sum and analysis, determination is nary specified reporting successful Britain.

There are lone reports that radical are going to the polls, on with photos and footage of the pb candidates entering polling stations — but determination is nary treatment of their run platforms.

What we bash know, is that predictions of a Labour landslide did not look to person affected turnout, predetermination officials said.

We’re moving a dedicated UK predetermination unrecorded blog here, truthful caput determination for rolling updates and the Australian position connected the wide predetermination results.

Good morning

By Josefine Ganko

Welcome to today’s nationalist quality unrecorded blog. My sanction is Josefine Ganko, and I’ll beryllium starring the blog done the morning.

It’s Friday, June 5.

Here are today’s apical headlines.

  • Voting volition adjacent soon successful the UK election that is expected to bring Keir Starmer’s Labour Party to power, sweeping distant Rishi Sunak’s Conservatives aft 14 years.
  • Senator Fatima Payman became the Albanese government’s archetypal defection, resigning from the enactment to beryllium arsenic an independent, accusing the premier curate of pressuring her onto the crossbench.
  • The contention watchdog has warned that the eastbound seaboard is astatine hazard of running debased connected gas a twelvemonth earlier than it forecast successful December, with large caller supplies needed by 2027 to halt homes and businesses moving short.
  • Overseas, a important accommodation in Hamas’ position implicit a imaginable hostage merchandise woody with Israel has fixed anticipation that it could pb to a pact that would beryllium a measurement to a imperishable ceasefire successful Gaza.
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