Biden campaign works to calm Democrat nerves as pressure mounts

3 days ago 6

9 minutes ago

By Kayla Epstein, BBC News

President Joe Biden and his squad stay successful harm power mode astir a week aft a disastrous statement show sparked fears among Democrats that his property could marque winning reelection impossible.

His enactment squad successful the White House called meetings and sent interior memos to unit members connected Wednesday.

The adjacent respective days volition find whether Mr Biden tin thrust retired panic implicit his intelligence fittingness oregon if governmental headwinds pursuing the 27 June statement volition beryllium excessively strong.

Top Democrats similar Vice President Kamala Harris and California politician Gavin Newsom, look to beryllium backing the president, and Mr Biden’s run maintains publically that helium volition enactment successful the race.

“He is perfectly not dropping out," spokeswoman Mia Ehrenberg told the BBC connected Tuesday.

Mr Biden plans to luncheon privately with Ms Harris successful the White House Wednesday, according to his nationalist schedule.

White House main of unit Jeff Zients volition clasp an all-staff telephone connected Wednesday astatine 12:30 section time, the Washington Post reported.

California Governor Gavin Newsom, a apical Biden surrogate who fielded questions instantly aft the statement astir whether helium would beryllium the party’s nominee, planned to sojourn Washington to “stand with Joe Biden” and different apical Democrats, a spokesperson announced connected X.

The politician volition run for Mr Biden successful cardinal plaything states Michigan and Pennsylvania aboriginal this week, according to spokesperson Brandon Richards.

But Democratic lawmakers are voicing concerns astir the president's quality to instrumentality connected erstwhile president Donald Trump successful November.

Congressman Lloyd Doggett, a 77-year-old Democrat from Texas, said Tuesday helium was "hopeful" Biden would marque the "difficult determination to withdraw."

But erstwhile US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was much circumspect successful an MSNBC quality this week.

"It's going to beryllium up to Joe Biden," she said.

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