Biden strikes gold in California, one week after Trump's massive haul in the blue bastion

1 week ago 6

After former President Trump's lucrative, three-day plaything done California, President Biden has returned to the West Coast to pat into the Democrat-dominated state's governmental ATM.

With little than 5 months to spell until the November election, late-night TV big Jimmy Kimmel volition interrogation Biden and former President Obama as they squad up with Hollywood heavyweights George Clooney and Julia Roberts astatine a star-studded fundraiser the president's run said is already breaking records.

Biden's run boasted "the lawsuit has already raised implicit $28 cardinal and counting — making it the biggest fundraiser successful Democratic Party history."

The haul tops a fundraiser with Biden, Obama and erstwhile President Clinton successful March astatine New York City's Radio City Music Hall, which raked successful $26 million.


Biden, Obama and Clinton.

Former presidents Clinton (right) and Obama (left) and President Biden (center) header a Democratic Party fundraiser astatine Radio City Music Hall March 28, 2024, successful New York City. (Getty Images)

But Trump, the presumptive GOP nominee, hauled successful implicit $50 cardinal successful aboriginal April astatine a fundraiser astatine the Palm Beach, Florida, location of billionaire capitalist and hedge money laminitis John Paulson. It was the astir wealth ever brought successful astatine a azygous fundraising lawsuit and shattered the grounds Biden acceptable conscionable a week and a fractional earlier astatine Radio City Music Hall.

It's the latest lawsuit of nationalist politicians coming to California to pad their run coffers. According to figures from the Federal Election Commission, Biden and Trump person raked successful much wealth successful California this rhythm than immoderate different state.

"When politicians look to the west, they spot a tract of green," seasoned California-based governmental idiosyncratic Jack Pitney astatine Claremont McKenna College told Fox News.

Biden v Trump

President Biden and erstwhile President Trump person some hauled successful millions astatine fundraising events successful California arsenic they look disconnected successful their 2024 predetermination rematch. (AP Photo/Julia Nikhinson and Evan Vucci)

Tickets for Saturday's gala astatine the Peacock Theater successful downtown Los Angeles, which an invitation describes arsenic a "historic night," ranged from $250 for a azygous idiosyncratic to get successful the doorway to fractional a cardinal dollars for peculiar access, photos with Biden and Obama and invitations to an after-party.

The president arrived successful California 1 week aft Trump near the Golden State.

Trump's squad said erstwhile each the wealth is counted, the presumptive Republican statesmanlike nominee was expected to haul successful astir $27.5 cardinal from 3 fundraisers in California and 1 successful Las Vegas, a elder run authoritative told Fox News.


And the Trump run said an further $6 cardinal was raised for extracurricular groups supporting his 2024 predetermination rematch with Biden.

Trump has been aiming to adjacent his fundraising gap with Biden. In April, his run and the Republican National Committee (RNC) for the archetypal clip raised much than the Biden run and the Democratic National Committee. 

Trump's run announced a week agone it and the RNC hauled successful a stunning $141 cardinal successful May, fueled successful portion by the erstwhile president's blameworthy verdicts successful his precocious concluded transgression trial.

Donald Trump appears successful  Manhattan Criminal Court

Former President Trump appears successful Manhattan Criminal Court May 30, 2024, successful New York. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig, Pool)

Trump was recovered blameworthy of each 34 felony counts successful the archetypal trial of a erstwhile oregon existent president successful the nation's history.

The erstwhile president's run noted that, successful the archetypal 24 hours pursuing the verdict, it and the RNC brought successful astir $53 million, which counted toward May's total. 

The Biden campaign has besides been raising wealth from the Trump verdict, and a root told Fox News "the 24 hours aft the verdict were 1 of the champion fundraising 24 hours of the Biden run since launch."

While Trump's California fundraising haul was fueled by top-dollar GOP donors, including tech manufacture investors and hedge money giants, Saturday's fundraising for Biden is being orchestrated by the Democratic Hollywood machine.

It's nary surprise. The amusement industry, which showered presidents Clinton and Obama with run cash, has agelong been known for its Democratic leanings.

And portion the 81-year-old Biden doesn't person the choky relationships with Hollywood that his Democratic predecessors enjoyed, helium tin inactive gully a crowd.

"Any Democratic statesmanlike campaigner is going to beryllium capable to rise a batch of wealth successful California, and an incumbent president has a large advantage. When the president enters a room, it fills up with cash," Pitney said.

President Biden hauls successful  $28 cardinal  astatine  a star-studded fundraiser successful  Los Angeles

President Biden waves arsenic helium arrives connected Air Force One June 15, 2024, successful Los Angeles. Biden volition be a run lawsuit Saturday night. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Major strikes by 2 Hollywood labour unions representing movie and tv writers and actors from May done November of past twelvemonth delayed Biden from raising wealth successful Los Angeles amusement circles.

But the president started making up for mislaid clip successful December with a large fundraiser hosted by famed directors Steven Spielberg and Rob Reiner. Saturday's mega-fundraiser was orchestrated by media mogul and Democratic rainmaker Jeffrey Katzenberg, who's a Biden run co-chair. Katzenberg besides enactment unneurotic the Radio City Music Hall fundraiser.

The Biden run and the Democratic National Committee person enlisted the assistance of plentifulness of stars and well-known performers from the amusement satellite arsenic the president runs for a 2nd term.

Among those lending a manus is famed histrion Robert De Niro, who headlined a Biden run quality league extracurricular the New York City courthouse during the last days of Trump's trial. 

The quality league went viral aft De Niro, who portrayed mobsters successful specified cinematic masterpieces arsenic "The Godfather Part II" and "Goodfellas," screamed astatine adjacent Trump supporters that "You are gangsters" arsenic they yelled obscenities astatine the actor.

Actor Mark Hamill, who portrayed Luke Skywalker successful the Star Wars saga, made a caller unannounced quality astatine the White House briefing country to praise the president and called Biden "Joe-Bi-Wan-Kenobi."


Spielberg has helped the DNC with its storytelling efforts, and Academy Award-winning histrion Octavia Spencer campaigned with Vice President Kamala Harris connected a caller plaything done battleground Michigan.

Trump, whose last California fundraiser took spot past play astatine a tony gated assemblage successful upscale Newport Beach, California, and included seasoned histrion Jon Voight, volition walk this play successful Michigan, holding aggregate events, including a roundtable treatment astatine a northwest Detroit church.

Trump hauls successful  large  bucks during California fundraising swing

Supporters of erstwhile President Trump, the presumptive Republican statesmanlike nominee, respond to his motorcade connected the time helium visits to rise wealth successful Newport Beach, Calif., June 8, 2024. (REUTERS/David Swanson)

The Trump run argued the erstwhile president volition beryllium gathering with "everyday Americans" portion "Biden volition beryllium astatine a glitzy fundraiser successful Hollywood with his elitist, out-of-touch personage benefactors that ain him."

The Trump run and Republican allies besides criticized the president for skipping a bid league connected Ukraine being held this play successful Switzerland to look astatine the California fundraiser. Vice President Kamala Harris volition correspond the U.S. astatine the bid talks.

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Paul Steinhauser is simply a authorities newsman based successful New Hampshire. 

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