Brazil’s ex-president Jair Bolsonaro indicted over undeclared diamonds from Saudi Arabia

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Brazil’s ex-president Jair Bolsonaro indicted implicit undeclared diamonds from Saudi Arabia

By Gabriela Sa Pessoa and Mauricio Savarese

July 5, 2024 — 8.18am

Sao Paulo: Brazil’s Federal Police person indicted erstwhile President Jair Bolsonaro for wealth laundering and transgression relation successful transportation with undeclared diamonds the far-right person received from Saudi Arabia during his clip successful office, according to a root with cognition of the accusations.

A 2nd root confirmed the indictment, though not for which circumstantial crimes. Both officials spoke connected information of anonymity due to the fact that they weren’t authorised to talk publicly.

Former Brazilian president   Jair Bolsonaro is being investigated.

Former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro is being investigated.Credit: Bloomberg

Brazil’s Supreme Court has yet to person the constabulary study with the indictment. Once it does, the country’s prosecutor-general, Paulo Gonet, volition analyse the papers and determine whether to record charges and unit Bolsonaro to basal trial.

The indictment dramatically raises the stakes successful a bid of investigations into the divisive ex-leader applauded by his opponents but denounced arsenic governmental persecution by his supporters.

Bolsonaro and his lawyers person denied immoderate wrongdoing related to the case, arsenic good arsenic the slew of investigations facing the erstwhile president.

Those see allegedly ordering an adjutant to manipulate nationalist wellness records to falsify his COVID-19 vaccination certificate, for which helium was already indicted, arsenic good arsenic engagement successful inciting an uprising successful superior Brasilia connected January 8, 2023 that sought to oust his successor from power.

The jewellery seized by customs authorities astatine  Guarulhos International Airport successful  Sao Paulo, Brazil.

The jewellery seized by customs authorities astatine Guarulhos International Airport successful Sao Paulo, Brazil.Credit: AP

Last year, Federal Police accused Bolsonaro of attempting to sneak successful diamond jewellery reportedly worthy $US3 cardinal ($4.4 million) and selling 2 luxury watches.

Police said successful August that Bolsonaro received currency from the astir $US70,000 merchantability of 2 luxury watches helium received arsenic gifts from Saudi Arabia. Brazil requires its citizens arriving by level from overseas to state goods worthy much than $US1000 and, for immoderate magnitude supra that exemption, wage a taxation adjacent to 50 per cent of their value.

The jewellery would person been exempt from taxation had it been a acquisition from Saudi Arabia to Brazil, but not Bolsonaro’s to support for himself. Rather, it would person been added to the statesmanlike collection.


The probe showed that 1 of Bolsonaro’s apical aides, Mauro Cid, successful June 2022 sold a Rolex ticker and a Patek Philippe ticker to a store successful the US for a full $US68,000. They were talented by Saudi Arabia’s authorities successful 2019. Cid aboriginal signed a plea bargain with authorities and confirmed it all.

Bolsonaro retains staunch allegiance among his governmental base, arsenic shown by an outpouring of enactment successful February, erstwhile an estimated 185,000 radical clogged Sao Paulo’s main boulevard to protestation what the erstwhile president calls governmental persecution.

His critics, peculiarly members of his rival President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s governmental party, person cheered each beforehand of investigations and repeatedly called for his arrest.

Last year, Brazil’s apical electoral tribunal ruled that Bolsonaro abused his statesmanlike powers during his 2022 reelection bid, which rendered him ineligible for immoderate elections until 2030. The lawsuit focused connected a gathering during which Bolsonaro utilized authorities staffers, the authorities tv transmission and the statesmanlike palace successful Brasilia to archer overseas ambassadors that the country’s physics voting strategy was rigged.


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