Campaign crisis: Dems who have called Biden to drop out or raised concerns about his health

2 days ago 2

President Biden's catastrophic show astatine past week's statement has sparked panic among the Democratic Party’s hierarchy, with cardinal players said to beryllium mulling however to get him to wantonness his re-election bid.

The concern has plunged the enactment into situation and threatens to thrust a wedge betwixt Biden loyalists and elected officials successful plaything districts up of adjacent month's Democratic National Convention successful Chicago. 

Biden's apical run aides person been moving harm power with large donors implicit the past week, portion the White HousE — and Biden himself — stay adamant helium is the close antheral to pb the enactment against former President Trump, the presumptive GOP nominee.


Biden looking astatine  the sky

President Biden's statement show has sparked panic among the party’s hierarchy with precocious stakes discussions taking spot astir whether helium should caput the party's ticket. (Photo by Demetrius Freeman/The Washington Post via Getty Images)

Democrats who accidental Biden should driblet out

  • Rep. Lloyd Doggett, D-Texas: "I americium hopeful that helium volition marque the achy and hard determination to withdraw. I respectfully telephone connected him to bash so."
  • Rep. Raúl Grijalva, D-Ariz.: "I’m going to enactment [Biden], but I deliberation that this is an accidental to look elsewhere … What helium needs to bash is enarthrosis the work of keeping that spot — and portion of that work is to get retired of this race."
  • Adam Frisch, campaigner for Colorado's 3rd Congressional District: "I convey President Biden for his years of service, but the way up requires a caller procreation of enactment to instrumentality our state forward."
Raul Grijalva

On Wednesday, Rep. Raúl Grijalva, D-Ariz., became the 2nd Capitol Hill Democrat to telephone connected Biden to exit the race.  (Getty Images)


Democrats who person raised concerns 

  • Former House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.: "I deliberation it's a morganatic question to say, ‘Is this an occurrence oregon is this a condition?’ When radical inquire that question, it's wholly legitimate of some candidates."
  • Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Pérez, D-Wash.: "About 50 cardinal Americans tuned successful and watched that debate. I was 1 of them for astir 5 precise achy minutes. We each saw what we saw, you can't undo that, and the truth, I think, is that Biden is going to suffer to Trump."
  • Rep. Jared Golden, D-Maine: "In 2025, I judge Trump is going to beryllium successful the White House. Maine’s representatives volition request to work with him erstwhile it benefits Mainers, clasp him accountable erstwhile it does not and enactment independently crossed the aisle nary substance what."
  • Rep. Summer Lee, D-Penn.: "Maybe folks don’t privation to hear, but we person timing that is moving out. Time is not connected our side. We person a fewer months to bash a monumental task. It’s not inexpensive and it’s not easy. If our president decides this is not a pathway guardant for him, we person to determination precise quickly. There’s not going to beryllium clip for a primary. That clip is past. The vice president is the evident choice. She’s sitting close there."
  • Rep. Seth Moulton, D-Mass: "I profoundly respect President Biden and each the large things helium has done for America, but I person sedate concerns astir his quality to decision Donald Trump."
  • Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C.: "I bash cognize this: I deliberation that the American radical privation an explanation; they request to beryllium reassured, and I anticipation that implicit the adjacent respective days, we’ll bash that."
  • Rep. Mike Quigley, D-Ill.: "I deliberation we gotta beryllium honorable with ourselves, this wasn’t conscionable 1 atrocious statement performance. There are precise existent concerns, and you person to instrumentality the voters for wherever they are, not wherever you privation them to be."
  • Sen. Peter Welch, D-Vt.: "I truly bash knock the run for a dismissive cognition towards radical who are raising questions for discussion. That’s conscionable facing the world that we’re in."
  • Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I.: "I deliberation similar a batch of radical I was beauteous horrified by the debate… I deliberation radical privation to marque definite that this is simply a run that’s acceptable to spell and win, that the president and his squad are being candid with america astir his information — that this was a existent anomaly and not conscionable the mode helium is these days."
Nancy Pelosi connected  MSNBC

Nancy Pelosi connected MSNBC expressed concerns astir Biden's health.

Democrats who enactment Biden arsenic nominee

Twenty-three Democratic governors from crossed the federation descended connected the White House connected Wednesday evening to conscionable with the embattled president, but aft the gathering, lone Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, who leads the Democratic Governors Association, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul and Maryland Gov. Wes Moore spoke to reporters to explicit their support. 

Gov. Moore described the gathering with Biden arsenic "honest" and "candid" and said that the governors were "going to person his back."

Gov. Hochul said President Biden was "in it to triumph it" and that the trio had pledged their enactment to him "because the stakes could not beryllium higher," invoking connected the eve of Independence Day, the combat against tyranny.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who galore commentators person projected arsenic a imaginable Biden replacement, besides took portion successful the White House gathering and backed the 81-year-old. 

"I heard 3 words from the President contiguous — he’s each in. And truthful americium I," Newsom posted connected X past night. Newsom besides publically backed Biden instantly pursuing the debate. 

"You don’t crook your backmost due to the fact that of 1 performance," Newsom said aft the debate. "What benignant of enactment does that? This president has delivered. We request to present for him astatine this moment."

california gov. newsom

California Gov. Gavin Newsom speaks to reporters aft the statement wherever helium backed President Biden. (AP Photo/John Bazemore)


Illinois Gov. J. B. Pritzker has besides publically backed Biden, arsenic has Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs and Hawaii Gov. Josh Green. 

Elsewhere, Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, a long-time Biden ally, has besides expressed his support, arsenic good arsenic House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries.

"A setback is thing much than a setup for a comeback," Jeffries posted to X connected Saturday.

Fox News’ Kyle Morris contributed to this report. 

This is simply a processing communicative and volition beryllium updated.

Michael Dorgan is simply a writer for Fox News Digital and Fox Business.

You tin nonstop tips to and travel him connected Twitter @M_Dorgan.

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