Car Insurance: How to ensure comprehensive coverage with monsoon add-ons? Here are 6 ways

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2 min read 15 Jun 2024, 10:56 AM IST checkcibilBtn

Rakesh Jain

Monsoon play poses challenges for car owners, IMD predicts heavier rains. Safeguard your conveyance with monsoon-specific car security add-ons similar motor protection, zero depreciation, tyre protector, and much for broad protection.

 Monsoon Add-Ons that tin  Save Your Car this monsoon seasonPremium Car Insurance: Monsoon Add-Ons that tin Save Your Car this monsoon play

Monsoon play presents unsocial challenges for car owners, specified arsenic flooding, waterlogging, and accrued mishap risks. The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) predicts a heavier monsoon play this year, making safeguarding your conveyance with monsoon-specific car security add-ons crucial. 

Engine extortion cover

During the monsoon, your car's motor is particularly vulnerable. Water tin participate the motor owed to driving done floods, fluid leaks, oregon accidently starting the motor aft submersion. This tin pb to costly repairs oregon a implicit motor replacement. An motor extortion screen shields you from these water-induced damages, covering repair oregon replacement costs. 

Zero depreciation cover

Standard car security policies often deduct 30 to 50 per cent of the assertion magnitude owed to depreciation, providing partial compensation for repairs. Zero-depreciation sum is captious during monsoons erstwhile accidents are much common. It ensures you person the full assertion magnitude without depreciation deductions for parts similar plastic, rubber, and metal. 

For instance, if you're progressive successful a bumper-to-bumper mishap successful dense traffic, the screen ensures full compensation for integrative portion repairs, minimising out-of-pocket expenses.

Tyre protector

Tyres endure important deterioration and tear, particularly during the monsoon. The tyre protector add-on covers the full labour charges and replacement costs for damaged tyres, whether they burst oregon puncture. Ensuring you won't look unexpected expenses for tyre damages during the rainy season.

Also Read: How to Calculate Car Insurance Premium?

Assistance cover

Breaking down during dense rains, landslides, oregon waterlogging tin beryllium distressing. The assistance screen provides 24/7 exigency support, including towing, on-site repairs, insignificant fixes, and substance delivery. 

For example, if your car stalls successful a waterlogged area, the screen ensures assistance is conscionable a telephone telephone away, preventing you from being stranded and offering contiguous reassurance.

Flood assistance cover

EMI extortion cover

If your car undergoes repairs implicit 21 consecutive days owed to accidental damages and is unusable, the EMI extortion add-on covers your car's EMIs, paying them to the financer. Ensuring you won't look fiscal strain portion your car is successful the garage, providing a important relief.

Consumables cover

Monsoon-related repairs often necessitate replacing assorted consumables similar motor oil, nuts and bolts, lubricants, and brake oil, which tin adhd to the cost. A consumables screen includes the outgo of these items, reducing your fiscal burden. It is peculiarly utile during the monsoon erstwhile repairs are much predominant owed to harsh conditions.

Also Read: What is IDV successful Car Insurance and How Does it Work?

By incorporating these indispensable monsoon-specific add-ons into your car security policy, you tin confidently drive, knowing your car is well-protected against the elements.

Rakesh Jain, CEO, Reliance General Insurance

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Published: 15 Jun 2024, 10:56 AM IST

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