Chole bhature, jersey cake - What's for breakfast? Delhi hotel prepares special spread for Team India

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2 min read 04 Jul 2024, 08:41 AM IST checkcibilBtn

Written By Sanchari Ghosh

Five-star edifice successful Delhi's Chanakyapuri hosts Rohit Sharma-led India squad squad with peculiar barroom and breakfast. Chef Shivneet Pahoja prepares a cocoa T20 trophy barroom successful squad colors arsenic a tribute to the World Cup winning team.

Delhi edifice  prepares peculiar   dispersed  for Team India Premium Delhi edifice prepares peculiar dispersed for Team India

Five-star edifice successful the Delhi's Chanakyapuri neighbourhood, wherever Rohit Sharma-led India squad squad volition enactment for a day, has prepaped a wide dispersed to big them. From a peculiar barroom to their favourite meal - the edifice near nary chromatic unturned to marque the enactment comfy for the worldcup winning team.

A barroom has been prepared successful the colours of Team India jersey and topped with the T20 trophy recreated successful chocolate.

Executive cook astatine ITC Maurya, Chef Shivneet Pahoja, told quality bureau ANI its a tribute to the World Cup winning team

“The barroom is successful the colour of the Team's jersey. Its item is this trophy, it whitethorn look similar an existent trophy but this is made retired of chocolate...This is our invited to the winning team...We person arranged the meal successful the peculiar venue and we volition connection them a peculiar breakfast.." helium said.

Pahoja mentioned that the meal volition diagnostic the finest of Indian cuisine, arsenic the squad has been connected circuit for immoderate time. It volition besides see the players' favourite dishes, specified arsenic chole bhature, which they person often talked about.

“ITC Maurya believes successful sustainability, truthful the meal has options made with millets. There is steadfast nutrient arsenic good arsenic a spot of indulgence," said the chef.

Team India to conscionable PM Modi today

Anticipating a gathering of cricket fans to invited the T20 World Cup-winning Indian cricket squad reaching Delhi on Thursday, the constabulary person made capable information arrangements astatine the airdrome and the edifice wherever the squad volition enactment earlier leaving for Mumbai, officials said.

The information arrangements person been made from the IGI Airport to the ITC Maurya Hotel wherever they volition person a halt connected Thursday, they said.

The constabulary person planned to supply them escort vehicles with equipped policemen from the airport, wherever they are expected to onshore astir 6 americium aft departing from Barbados' Grantley Adams International Airport successful a chartered flight, a elder constabulary serviceman said.

Adequate constabulary unit volition stay deployed astatine the routes from airdrome to the hotel. At slightest 2 companies of paramilitary unit person been deployed astir the edifice and routes successful cardinal Delhi, the serviceman said.

The constabulary fishy that cricket fans whitethorn stitchery astatine routes oregon extracurricular the edifice to invited and cheer the squad India for their triumph successful the T20 World Cup.

The squad volition conscionable Prime Minister Narendra Modi astatine 11 americium astatine his residence and aboriginal spell backmost to the hotel. The squad is expected to permission for Mumbai astatine 4 pm, helium said.

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Published: 04 Jul 2024, 08:38 AM IST

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