Customer complaints pile up against Perth home builder Nicheliving

2 days ago 2

Dozens of distressed customers person made complaints to the Building Commissioner astir lengthy delays gathering their caller location with Nicheliving.

Last period Commerce Minister Sue Ellery met with the directors of the Perth operation institution and requested accusation connected the presumption of their projects.

The shortfall of homes successful  WA is tipped to turn  adjacent    wider implicit    the adjacent  2  years.

The shortfall of homes successful WA is tipped to turn adjacent wider implicit the adjacent 2 years.Credit: Ross Swanborough

“Unfortunately, Nicheliving has not provided each of the information, including immoderate cardinal elements requested,” she said.

“However the accusation I person received does corroborate my concerns astir the fig of builds awaiting completion.“

Ellery said the Building Commissioner confirmed determination had been 73 complaints lodged against the institution since January 2022.

“Of the 73 complaints received, 47 person been actioned with 28 referred to the State Administrative Tribunal, 5 the taxable of Building Commissioner remedy orders, 6 withdrawn by the homeowner complainants, 6 conciliated and 2 refused,” she said.

“The 26 remaining complaints are either being considered by Building and Energy oregon person been scheduled for conciliation.“

Ellery said present they person a amended representation of the concern they were moving done the adjacent steps connected however we tin champion assistance customers.

Last period Nationals MP Shane Love utilized the screen of parliamentary privilege to implore the authorities authorities and the manufacture regulator to behaviour an urgent probe into Nicheliving amid allegations it had near betwixt 300 and 500 homes unfinished and contractors unpaid.

He claimed immoderate customers’ physique times had ballooned beyond 3 years, with galore present paying rent and the owe connected their unfinished home.

Love besides raised concerns astir the State Government issuing stamp work bills to Nicheliving customers already facing fiscal and affectional distress.

WA Opposition Leader Shane Love speaks extracurricular  parliament with Nicheliving customers near  waiting.

WA Opposition Leader Shane Love speaks extracurricular parliament with Nicheliving customers near waiting. Credit: Jesinta Burton

“An 85-year-old retiree from Applecross was forced to retreat tens of thousands of dollars from his superannuation to wage stamp work to Revenue WA portion his location remains incomplete,” helium said.

“While the Government claims to sympathise with Nicheliving customers, they cruelly load these families with much fees and charges erstwhile they tin slightest spend it.”

Nicheliving said it would proceed moving done the hard challenges successful the marketplace and was committed to delivering each contracted builds, including those astatine loss-making prices.

Oxford Economics Australia elder economist Maree Kilroy said the latest gathering approvals information released by the ABS connected Wednesday shows request for caller homes successful WA is strong.


“Western Australia is disconnected and racing. Demand fundamentals are robust, including yearly colonisation maturation adjacent 3.5 per cent for Perth,” she said.

“Private location approvals lifted 2.1 per cent to 9163, with the biggest gains successful Western Australia (+9.4 per cent) and New South Wales (+5.9 per cent).”

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