Czech Retail Sales Growth Eases To 4.4%

3 days ago 2

The Czech Republic's retail income maturation eased much than expected successful May, information from the Czech Statistical Office showed connected Thursday.

Retail sales, but centrifugal vehicles and motorcycles, roseate a calendar-adjusted 4.4 percent year-on-year successful May, slower than the 5.7 percent summation successful the erstwhile month. That was besides beneath the expected summation of 5.3 percent.

The yearly income maturation of non-food products eased to 5.1 percent successful May from 7.6 percent successful April. Meanwhile, income of food, beverages, and baccy accrued astatine a faster complaint of 4.2 percent.

Retail income of automotive substance successful specialized stores accrued by 2.2 percent, and income and repairs of centrifugal vehicles and motorcycles climbed by 2.0 percent.

Data besides showed that retail income via message bid oregon the net precocious 14.5 percent.

Compared to the erstwhile month, retail income dropped by 0.1 percent.

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