Doctor Who Recap: Déjà Sue

1 week ago 9

By , a Vulture quality blogger covering TV, movies and music

Doctor Who

The Legend of Ruby Sunday

Season 14 Episode 7

Editor’s Rating 4 stars

Doctor Who

The Legend of Ruby Sunday

Season 14 Episode 7

Editor’s Rating 4 stars

Photo: Disney+

Who’s acceptable to enactment the UNIT successful unity? This week’s occurrence of Doctor Who is a squad ngo connected Earth. After the TARDIS skids into UNIT headquarters, the Doctor and Ruby articulation up with acquainted faces, including Kate Lethbridge-Stewart, Rose Noble, an upgraded Vlinx, and Colonel Ibrahim. The subject enactment that investigates alien threats has besides made a mates of caller hires: Harriet is the caput of UNIT’s archive, portion kid genius Morris Gibbons is its technological adviser.

The Doctor is hoping UNIT tin assistance him look into 2 women. First, there’s Susan Twist, whose look we’ve been seeing each season. On this planet, she’s Susan Triad, an IT genius who goes by the nickname Sue. Luckily, UNIT has already been keeping tabs connected her, and adjacent has a unrecorded provender arsenic she rehearses a code she’ll beryllium making to the United Nations contiguous astir her S Triad Technology. (It’s astir to spell worldwide for free, but the tech has been retired for a portion — Donna mentioned successful “The Giggle” that UNIT uses Triad, and fans with overmuch amended eyesight than maine spotted Triad ads connected a autobus successful “The Church connected Ruby Road.”)

Former companion Mel has gone undercover connected Susan’s media team, taking regular DNA samples of Susan that person truthful acold each travel backmost human. UNIT besides hasn’t recovered thing alien successful her software. Still, the Doctor’s decidedly inactive intrigued, fixed that S Triad is an anagram of TARDIS … and his granddaughter is named Susan.

Then there’s Ruby’s commencement mother. According to the Doctor, he’s time-locked retired of the infinitesimal that she abandoned Ruby connected Christmas Eve due to the fact that helium already went determination erstwhile to prevention babe Ruby from the goblins. Harriet points retired that CCTV cameras were adjacent that night, and Ruby goes location to retrieve a VHS portion with the grainy footage.

When Carla realizes that mothers tin beryllium progressive successful UNIT, she decides she wants to travel on to “the nitwit tower,” too. Next-door neighbour Mrs. Flood is recruited to ticker Cherry, who beams and hints that she’d similar a cuppa. “Well, we’d each similar a batch of things that aren’t going to happen,” Mrs. Flood replies. Looking retired astatine an approaching storm, she ominously adds, “He waits nary more.”

The Doctor wants to analyse Ruby’s portion with a Time Window. Kate splutters that the Doctor forbade UNIT to experimentation with clip technology, past instantly admits there’s 1 10 floors down. Carla and Mel person arrived by now, truthful there’s a tiny assemblage watching erstwhile the Doctor, Ruby, and Colonel Winston Chidozie (head of Time Window Security) get down the glass.

We’ve seen the Doctor measurement done Time Windows that kinda run similar doorways, but this 1 is much similar a 3-D projector. It starts snowing earlier Morris adjacent hooks the portion up to the system, and past Ruby’s memories and the VHS springiness the Time Window capable powerfulness to amusement america the nighttime she was abandoned. Ruby’s hooded parent walks toward the Doctor and Ruby, but it’s arsenic if there’s TV static implicit her. She speeds by successful a surge of energy, and nary 1 catches a glimpse of her face. In contrast, erstwhile the TARDIS arrives, it appears astir solid. “If clip is representation and representation is time, past what is the representation of a clip machine?” the Doctor muses.

While the past Doctor saves babe Ruby, her commencement parent stops walking and breaks down successful tears. Carla besides starts crying, wishing she could archer this pistillate that she took Ruby in. And present we’ve arrived astatine the portion of the representation that’s been changing for the Doctor. We spot the hooded fig crook and constituent close astatine the Doctor(s) lasting successful beforehand of the TARDIS. So far, the Doctor has truthful acold been physically restraining a sobbing Ruby, telling her she can’t determination and interfere with this fixed constituent successful time. But helium indispensable beryllium incredibly funny astir this pistillate because, contempt Kate’s protests, helium instructs Colonel Chidozie to spell spot if there’s thing other she could’ve been pointing at. Chidozie moves retired of show down the TARDIS.

Morris is the archetypal to announcement the quality of a swirling, growling unreality of achromatic particulate that contains reddish lights. “What is that?” helium asks. “When is that?” Kate adds. According to Morris’s readings, it’s hot, cold, radioactive, and dormant each astatine the aforesaid time. So … thing extracurricular the laws of the known universe? Sounds similar different deity is connected the way.

Chidozie, who has vanished, responds to Ruby aft she brings up their Manchester connection. He says he’s mislaid successful hell, and that thing past and waiting has seen into his soul. The Window explosively powers down, and Kate rushes successful to spot Chidozie’s dust-covered corpse.

The Doctor decides it’s clip for Mel to instrumentality him to Susan. He stops to punch an elevator — Chidozie’s decease astir apt hasn’t helped with the Doctor’s suspicion that helium brings catastrophe wherever helium goes —  but Mel tells him to propulsion it together. There are lone a fewer minutes earlier Susan is scheduled to springiness her speech. As she walks distant from a abbreviated conversation, the Doctor asks if she dreams astir the radical and places we’ve seen successful past episodes. She doesn’t respond, but the Doctor tin archer she remembers.

Meanwhile, Harriet has taken complaint of analyzing the VHS tape, which present includes footage of the achromatic cloud. When rewinded, the signaling reveals that the TARDIS is astatine the bosom of the cloud. Interesting! Looks similar the clip fastener didn’t use to this clip machine.

The TARDIS parked successful UNIT HQ groans. The Doctor, listening successful implicit comms, says he’s heard that sound before. The Doctor chalked it up to Rogue’s motivation void past week. But the dependable besides reminds maine of a definite classical serial … could it be?

Kate clears the country of nonessential staff, and astatine the Doctor’s orders, sends Ruby to the Time Window. The Vlinx’s scan confirms that there’s a life-form connected the TARDIS that is someway woven into the cloth of the vessel itself, and Harriet launches into an unsettling monologue astir idiosyncratic who has “hidden successful the howling void” and seduced “the vessel.” People tin beryllium described arsenic vessels, but I’m inclined to judge that she’s talking astir the TARDIS, particularly since she adds, “The Lord of Time was unsighted and vain and knew nothing.” The Doctor abruptly asks what Harriet’s afloat sanction is. It’s Harriet Arbinger. We’ve got different harbinger of the gods.

Meanwhile, a sinister dependable interrupts Susan Triad’s speech. She starts rambling astir her dreams, and the words connected her teleprompter change. “I americium returning,” 1 enactment reads. Harriet is speaking successful unison with the aforesaid deep, echoing voice. After name-dropping a clump of gods, she declares that the eventual 1 has returned. The unreality astir the TARDIS shows itself and transforms into a giant, dog-like carnal with reddish eyes.

And determination it is. Susan Triad Technology is abbreviated for Sue Tech … Sutekh. (And yes, Gabriel Woolf reprising his relation arsenic the archetypal dependable of Sutekh.) If you haven’t watched Classic Who, Sutekh was introduced successful the four-part 1975 serial Pyramids of Mars. He was described arsenic the past of the Osirans, an alien contention whose wars inspired Egyptian mythology. His extremity is to destruct each life. The Fourth Doctor lone managed to decision Sutekh due to the fact that helium hadn’t really returned yet; Four made the clip corridor that Sutekh was traveling done widen truthful acold into the aboriginal that helium died of aged property earlier ever reaching the end. Or truthful we thought! The 2016 comic communicative Old Girl reveals that Sutekh managed to measurement sideways into the Void, wherever helium was trapped with galore gods from different realities … until the brackish instrumentality freed immoderate of them, perhaps?

The uncover of Sutekh arsenic a villain doesn’t reply everything, of course. The breached Time Window powered up truthful that Ruby is erstwhile again staring astatine her commencement ma connected Christmas Eve, reminding america that we inactive don’t cognize who she is oregon wherefore she was pointing. Also, it’s inactive not wholly wide however Sutekh returned. Why did Susan request to beryllium scattered crossed clip and space? Does she person thing to bash with the taken-over TARDIS?

The Doctor doesn’t person clip to ponder these questions, though. Susan has collapsed and risen with a mask-like look and reddish eyes. After turning a staffer to particulate with a interaction of her hand, she approaches him. “Did you deliberation I was family, Doctor?” Sutekh says done her. “I bring Sutekh’s acquisition of death. For you, and for each successful your tiny, vile, incessant universe.” Considering that the Fourth Doctor erstwhile said that determination wasn’t a lifeform successful the postulation that could basal against a freed Sutekh, it makes consciousness that Fifteen seems excessively horrified to adjacent effort to run. How is helium gonna get retired of this? Since we extremity connected a cliffhanger, we’ve got a week to wonder.

• Ruby has truly recovered her footing arsenic a companion. I astir hide that she’s truthful caller to this that she inactive needs to person regeneration explained to her.

• Morris checks the probability of a trap passim the episode. I cognize we’re each focused connected Sutekh now, but possibly the Trickster truthers shouldn’t springiness up yet connected their theories that the deity of traps volition play a relation successful the finale?

• Jemma Redgrave is truthful comic erstwhile she’s disgruntled. I rewinded conscionable to look astatine Kate’s look erstwhile the Doctor granted Carla access, and erstwhile helium guffawed astatine UNIT’s primitive Time Window.

• The Doctor says that owed to timey-wimey reasons, helium tin person a granddaughter earlier a daughter. I mean, his household histrion has ever been complicated; Jenny was calved solely from a insubstantial illustration of Ten.

• Skip this if you privation to spell into the finale blind, but the authoritative synopsis for the occurrence is already out: “The Doctor has lost, his ageless force reigns supreme, and a shadiness is falling implicit creation. Nothing tin halt the devastation … except, perhaps, 1 woman.” Who bash we deliberation that pistillate is? Ruby? Her commencement mother? The Doctor’s girl oregon granddaughter? Kate? Mel? … Cherry Sunday, due to the fact that she’ll ne'er get her cupful of beverage if the satellite is destroyed?

Doctor Who Recap: Déjà Sue
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