DR Congo soldiers sentenced to death for desertion

2 days ago 1

44 minutes ago

By Wedaeli Chibelushi, BBC News

Twenty-five soldiers with the Democratic Republic of Congo's service person been sentenced to decease for fleeing battles against the notorious M23 rebels successful the conflict-hit eastbound of the country.

The soldiers were besides convicted of theft by a subject tribunal arsenic they stole goods from shops successful a adjacent colony aft abandoning their positions, an service spokesperson said.

Four of the soldiers' wives were acquitted by the subject tribunal of receiving goods looted by their husbands.

In March, the authorities lifted a moratorium, successful spot for much than 20 years, connected the decease punishment being carried retired aft the justness curate cited the request to region "traitors" from the army.

A lawyer for the soldiers, 2 of whom were captains, said helium would entreaty against the sentence, which was handed down connected Wednesday by the subject tribunal successful DR Congo's North Kivu province.

In summation to the 25 who received decease sentences, 1 worker was fixed a 10-year situation condemnation and different was acquitted.

In May a subject tribunal successful the metropolis of Goma sentenced 8 soldiers to decease for "desertion" and "cowardice" erstwhile warring rebel forces. They, too, are appealing against their sentences.

The M23 rebels person implicit the past fewer days captured respective towns, including the strategical municipality of Kanyabayonga.

Neighbouring Rwanda is wide accused of backing the M23, but the authorities successful Kigali denies it.

The UN has said that the existent concern successful North Kivu is "particularly concerning".

In the past week much than 150,000 civilians fled their homes, it said, worsening a humanitarian situation successful a portion wherever 2.8 cardinal radical had already been displaced.

North Kivu is besides "perilous" for humanitarian workers, the UN added.

On Sunday 2 assistance workers with the foundation Tearfund were killed aft their convoy was attacked successful the municipality of Butembo.

The army's combat against the M23 and different rebel groups successful the eastbound has agelong been hampered by the disarray wrong its ranks.

The service is seen arsenic unprofessional and severely disciplined. Soldiers kick of mediocre wage and a deficiency of equipment.

Both the UN and determination states person troops successful DR Congo to enactment the army, but they person failed to stem the violence.

M23 fighters are said to beryllium well-armed and disciplined.

The rebel radical began operating successful 2012 ostensibly to support the Tutsi colonisation successful the eastbound of DR Congo, which had agelong complained of persecution and discrimination.

Despite Rwanda's denials, UN experts - on with France and the US - accidental the M23 is supported by President Paul Kagame's government.

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