Elizabeth Warren Accuses Powell of Giving Big Banks CEOs Too Much Influence

3 days ago 2

(Bloomberg) -- Senator Elizabeth Warren says Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell is giving slope main enforcement officers excessively overmuch accidental to power cardinal policies, including executive-compensation and bank-capital proposals. 

In a missive sent Tuesday to Powell, Warren criticized him for having aggregate backstage meetings and talks with apical executives — including 19 with JPMorgan Chase & Co. CEO Jamie Dimon since February 2018. 

Warren wrote that these meetings and conversations betwixt Powell and the executives “appear to beryllium shaping Fed policy” and that the regulator is present “floating a gutted proposal,” referring to the bank-capital plan. 

The Massachusetts Democrat asked Powell a bid of questions, including whether helium had made immoderate commitments to Dimon oregon different big-bank executives related to the superior overhaul, which is tied to Basel III, an planetary statement that followed the 2008 fiscal crisis. 

Warren besides requested accusation connected immoderate discussions astir bank-merger guidelines and executive-pay reform. She asked for a database of the topics covered successful each of Powell’s meetings with Dimon. 

“We person received the missive and program to respond,” the cardinal slope said successful a connection Tuesday.

In May, the Wall Street Journal reported that Dimon had pushed his peers to debar Fed Vice Chair for Supervision Michael Barr, seen arsenic the designer of the bank-capital plan, and alternatively lobby Powell and different Fed governors astir changing the proposal. Shortly after, Warren sent a abstracted missive accusing Powell of “doing Mr. Dimon’s bidding.”

Warren is simply a subordinate of the Senate Banking Committee wherever Powell is acceptable to attest adjacent week. 

In March, the cardinal slope main told lawmakers that helium expected “broad and worldly changes” to the connection that American regulators released past July. That archetypal program could person forced the US’s 8 largest banks to acceptable speech astir 19% much successful capital.

(Updates with details connected upcoming Powell grounds successful penultimate paragraph.)

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