EPF: How to submit nomination online? A step-by-step guide

3 days ago 5

If you are an Employees' Provident Fund (EPF) subscriber, you tin taxable your information details online. They bash not request to taxable immoderate carnal documents astatine all.

The process is rather straightforward. You lone request to bash the log-in connected EPFO website, participate your details specified arsenic UAN, password and captcha details.

This is followed by the second-factor authentication which entails entering the OTP sent connected mobile linked to aadhaar. After this, you are expected to participate the details of the nominee and the full magnitude to beryllium shared among nominee(s). It is captious that determination could beryllium much than 1 nominee.

Here we springiness a step-by-step usher to database retired the full process of entering the information details.

These are the steps that you request to follow:

1. Visit EPFO website ‘unifiedportal-mem.epfindia.gov.in’. Click ‘services’ and spell to 'For Employees'.

2. Here you person to spell to subordinate UAN/ online services.

3. Now, you indispensable participate the UAN, password and captcha.

4. Now you volition person OTP connected the telephone fig linked to aadhaar. The motion successful volition beryllium completed erstwhile you implicit this ‘second-factor authentication’.

5. After the sign-in, you person to prime 'e-nomination' fixed nether 'manage tab'.

6. After this, the strategy volition inquire you to participate much details. You request to click the 'provide details' tab which appears connected the screen.

7. The subscriber needs to click 'save'.

8. The strategy volition punctual you to click 'yes' to update the household declaration.

9. It is astatine this signifier that the subscriber is meant to adhd household details. It is captious to retrieve that you tin adhd much than 1 nominee.

10. Now you tin click information details to state the full magnitude of shares. Click prevention EPF nomination.

11. The subscriber needs to click 'e-sign' to make OTP.

12. Now you request to taxable an 'OTP' sent connected a mobile fig linked with aadhaar.

Once each these steps are followed, the e-nomination is implicit and nary further carnal documents are needed.

In different news, the authorities precocious amended the Employees’ Pension Scheme (EPS), 1995, frankincense offering withdrawal benefits for employees with little than six months of service.

According to a authorities statement, this amendment volition payment implicit 7 lakh EPS members who permission the strategy successful little than six months of service.

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HomeMoneyPersonal FinanceEPF: How to taxable information online? A step-by-step guide

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