Fight Over Seabed Agency Leadership Turns Nasty

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Allegations of imaginable payments to assistance unafraid votes. Claims of maltreatment of bureau funds by apical diplomats. A imaginable occupation connection to entice a campaigner to retreat from a race.

These are not the shenanigans of a corrupt predetermination successful an unstable country. Rather, they are efforts successful the seemingly genteel parlors of a United Nations-affiliated agency, meant to sway decisions related to the commencement of seabed mining of the metals utilized successful electrical vehicles.

It is each portion of a nasty combat implicit who volition beryllium the adjacent person of the International Seabed Authority, which controls mining successful planetary waters worldwide.

The accusations of trickery underscore the arguable quality of the agency’s coming docket and the billions of dollars astatine stake. Some countries are fiercely opposed to the thought of mining the world’s deepest waters portion others spot it arsenic a severely needed economical opportunity. Whoever helms the agency’s apical station implicit the adjacent fewer years volition person sizeable power implicit these decisions.

Michael Lodge, the caput wide astatine the International Seabed Authority since 2016, is urging the diplomats from the agency’s 168 member nations to elite him to a 3rd four-year term. From that perch, helium hopes to assistance the bureau finalize biology rules arsenic it prepares to judge its archetypal application, possibly arsenic aboriginal arsenic this fall, to commencement industrial-scale mining successful the Pacific Ocean, betwixt Hawaii and Mexico.

His opponent, Leticia Carvalho, is an oceanographer and erstwhile oil-industry regulator from Brazil. She has called for a much deliberative approach, arguing that respective years of enactment apt stay to decorativeness penning the rules. Her presumption is that nary mining applications should beryllium approved until that process is wrapped up.

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