GATE 2025 syllabus, paper pattern out at Application form by Aug end, other details here

3 days ago 3

GATE 2025: The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee--the nodal institute to organise the Graduate Aptitude Test successful Engineering (GATE)-2025 for admittance to postgraduate engineering programmes, has launched the caller authoritative website for conducting the prestigious national-level exam and has besides released the exam syllabus, insubstantial signifier and marking strategy for the aforesaid connected the portal.

IIT Roorkee volition activate the portal for the GATE 2025 application, astir apt by the extremity of August 2024.

Aspiring candidates tin cheque the eligibility criteria, syllabus, insubstantial pattern, two-paper combinations, interest operation and different important details connected the authoritative website astatine

Candidates indispensable enactment that they tin capable retired ONLY ONE exertion form. If they privation to look successful 2nd insubstantial (from the two-paper combination), they tin adhd respective insubstantial successful their archetypal application. In lawsuit of Multiple applications, lone 1 volition beryllium accepted and remaining applications volition beryllium rejected without immoderate refund for the paid fee.

GATE 2025 volition beryllium a computer-based trial (CBT). The metropolis database wherever GATE volition beryllium conducted has besides been declared. These cities are divided into 8 zones.

GATE 2025: Eligibility Criteria

According to the notification, candidates who are presently studying successful the 3rd oregon higher years of immoderate undergraduate grade programme oregon who person completed immoderate government-approved grade programme successful Engineering/ Technology/ Architecture/ Science/ Commerce/ Arts/ Humanities are eligible to look for GATE 2025.

GATE 2025: Exam Pattern

As per the IIT-Roorkee notification, GATE 2025 volition dwell of 30 exam papers. The mode of exam papers volition beryllium successful English, and candidates volition beryllium allowed to take 1 oregon 2 trial papers from permissible combinations. The exam duration volition beryllium 3 hours and GATE scores volition beryllium valid for 3 years from the result's announcement date.

Sections: General Aptitude (GA) + Candidate's Selected Subjects

Type of Questions: Candidate’s Selected Subject(s)

(a) Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

(b) Multiple Select Questions (MSQ) and/or

(c) Numerical Answer Type (NAT) Questions

GATE 2025 questions volition betesting these abilities successful candidates:

(a) Recall

(b) Comprehension

(c) Application

(d) Analysis & Synthesis

GATE 2025: Distribution of Marks

Distribution of Marks successful each Papers but Architecture (AR), Chemistry (CY), Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (DA), Ecology and Evolution (EY), Geology and Geophysics (GG), Mathematics (MA), Physics (PH), Statistics (ST), Humanities and Social Sciences (XH), and Life Sciences (XL):

General Aptitude: 15 marks

Engineering Mathematics: 13 marks

Subject Questions: 72 marks

Total: 100 marks

Distribution of Marks successful AR, CY, DA, EY, GG, MA, PH, ST, XH and XL

General Aptitude: 15 marks

Subject Questions: 85 marks

Total: 100 marks

GATE 2025Marking Scheme

Questions transportation 1 people oregon 2 marks

Negative Marking: For a incorrect reply chosen successful an MCQ, determination volition beryllium antagonistic marking.

For a 1-mark MCQ, 1/3 people volition beryllium deducted for a incorrect answer.

For a 2-mark MCQ, 2/3 people volition beryllium deducted for a incorrect answer.

There is nary antagonistic marking for incorrect answer(s) to MSQ oregon NAT questions.

There is nary partial marking successful MSQ.

GATE 2025:Syllabus

Click here to work the elaborate syllabus

The GATE exam is simply a prestigious nationwide trial assessing candidates' cognition successful assorted undergraduate-level disciplines. Successful qualifiers tin prosecute Master's and Doctoral programs with imaginable fiscal aid, and GATE scores are considered by acquisition institutions and Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) for recruitment processes.

HomeEducationnewsGATE 2025 syllabus, insubstantial signifier retired astatine Application signifier by Aug end, different details here

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