Hamburg police shoot man with axe ahead of Euros match

1 week ago 6

A large cognition is taking spot successful cardinal Hamburg aft a antheral with an axe threatened constabulary officers, officials successful the German metropolis say.

Police accidental they changeable and earnestly injured the man, who is receiving aesculapian attention.

Media reports accidental the incidental took spot adjacent a fanzone for supporters of the Dutch shot team.

The Netherlands are playing Poland successful the metropolis successful the Euros aboriginal connected Sunday.

A constabulary connection said that a antheral threatened constabulary officers with a pickaxe and an "incendiary device".

According to section media reports, the onslaught took spot astatine astir 12:30 section clip (10:30 GMT).

Rory Smith, the New York Times's main shot analogous successful Hamburg, said the incidental took spot connected the Reeperbahn, a main thoroughfare and nightlife country successful the metropolis conscionable a fewer 100 yards from the Dutch fanzone.

BBC Sport writer Gary Rose, who is besides successful Hamburg, said preparations were going up arsenic planned for the 15:00 match.

The stadium is astir 5 miles from the metropolis centre wherever the incidental happened.

There are astir 30,000 Dutch fans successful the city, and astir apt a akin fig of Polish, and determination appears to beryllium a bully ambiance up of the match, seemingly unaffected by the incident.

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