Hangover cures are on the rise. But could they promote riskier drinking?

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Hangover cures are connected the rise. But could they beforehand riskier drinking?

Over the past decennary oregon so, drinking civilization has evolved successful lockstep with the increasing dominance of wellness culture. Young radical are drinking less and a increasing fig of radical are dabbling successful sobriety. Hangover cures, then, a increasing fig of which are hitting the market, inhabit an absorbing mediate ground, marketed to some amended our wellness and alteration america to portion without definite consequences.

Dr Nicole Lee, adjunct prof astatine the National Drug Research Institute agrees that the wide colonisation is becoming progressively alert of the wellness effects of drinking. But she is wary of products being marketed arsenic hangover cures.

Certain remedies, she says, similar paracetamol oregon drinking water, tin disguise the symptoms of a hangover, but lone clip tin truly cure one. “In my view, these products shouldn’t beryllium allowed to beryllium sold oregon marketed arsenic hangover cures due to the fact that determination is nary specified thing,” she says. “The lone mode you tin debar hangover is to not drink.”

Hangover cures are connected  the rise.

Hangover cures are connected the rise.Credit: Bethany Rae

Sophie Hood founded Seoul Tonic successful 2022 aft visiting South Korea, wherever she recovered the drinking civilization to beryllium akin to that successful Australia, with 1 cardinal exception: hangover drinks.

Founder of Seoul Tonic, Sophie Hood.

Founder of Seoul Tonic, Sophie Hood.Credit: Nine

“They’ve got this hangover alleviation beverage class wherever two-thirds of the colonisation volition portion immoderate benignant anti-inflammatory, liver-detoxifying beverage earlier they commencement drinking.”

Modelled aft these drinks, her tonics incorporate Korean pear and hovenia dulcis, a benignant of Japanese raisin often utilized successful Chinese medicine. Designed to beryllium consumed earlier a nighttime of drinking, these drinks tin trim the severity of a hangover and detoxify the liver, Hood says. Many of her customers, she says, are besides portion of a increasing fig of Australians going sober who portion her tonic arsenic an alternate to alcohol.

Hood thinks products similar Seoul Tonic play a bigger relation successful the habits of mean drinkers, alternatively than encouraging radical to devour more. “It’s not astir drinking more. It’s often astir drinking less. But if you are going to drink, support yourself successful the champion imaginable way.”

And she’s adamant that Seoul Tonic is not a speedy fix. “I would ne'er accidental the words ‘hangover cure’ due to the fact that that’s not right. It’s a preventative measurement to assistance enactment a reduced hangover.”

“It’s similar erstwhile you’re you’re getting sick, you load up connected vitamin C. [But] you don’t conscionable expect the acold to not look oregon beryllium wholly gone. It’s not a magic fix; you don’t blasted the vitamin C tablets you took.”

Despite the information astir drinkers person experienced a hangover astatine immoderate constituent successful their lives, Lee says determination has been precise small probe done connected the topic.

Modest research has been done connected the imaginable of immoderate ingredients to alleviate the symptoms of a hangover. Two of the effects of Korean pear – 1 connected mice and the different connected a small illustration of 14 men – suggested it whitethorn beryllium capable to curb the interaction of a hangover to a degree.

Andrew Scholey, a prof of quality psychopharmacology who has affiliations with Monash and Swinburne University, says the grounds for the liver detoxification effects of supplements is inactive limited. He says portion of the crushed determination are truthful fewer prime studies connected hangovers is due to the fact that of ethical concerns astir survey design, and owed to the information determination are incentives for hangover cure companies to money studies that would nutrient favourable results for them.

And portion determination are yet to beryllium studies connected the behavioural effects of hangover cures specifically, Lee points to research connected drinking expectancies that amusement they person a important power connected however overmuch radical drink.

“It’s rather a analyzable relationship, but determination are rather a fewer intelligence behavioral indicators that would suggest that if you thought you had a cure for hangover, you mightiness beryllium much apt to get drunk oregon portion more.”


Scholey agrees the narration betwixt hangovers and intoxicant is complex, and that immoderate studies bespeak those with much acute hangovers are much apt to portion much frequently.

“We don’t cognize the absorption of causality, but that surely suggests that much terrible hangovers don’t forestall radical from drinking again.”

But Lee says it’s important to retrieve the impacts of intoxicant connected the assemblage adjacent if you don’t person a hangover.

“Even if hangover cures truly did wide the liver and assistance it metabolise intoxicant quicker, intoxicant is inactive putting unit connected your liver, and you’re inactive doing harm to yourself portion you’re drinking. Whether oregon not you consciousness amended afterwards is irrelevant to the harm you’re doing to your body.”

And, she adds, they can’t curb immoderate of the societal ramifications of drinking.

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