Hostage drama unfolds at Russian detention centre

1 week ago 6

Several hostage takers person been killed successful an cognition to escaped 2 situation guards who they were holding successful the confederate Russian metropolis of Rostov, Russia media report.

The guards are said to beryllium unhurt aft peculiar forces stormed the centre.

The six men, who were being held successful a pre-trial detention centre, were said to beryllium equipped with knives.

They were facing coercion charges, including links to the Islamic State (IS) group.

They had been demanding a vehicle, firearms and escaped transition retired of the centre.

Police and nationalist defender were called to the country erstwhile reports of the hostage taking archetypal emerged connected Sunday morning.

In a video released by the prisoners, 1 of the hostages is heard to accidental the detainees person "serious intentions".

The detainees said they were members of IS and that their actions were "not spontaneous".

Reports accidental they managed to smuggle knives, IS flags and mobile phones into their cells.

They knocked retired bars of a compartment model and entered a defender room, wherever they were capable to prehend the hostages.

Several attacks claimed by IS person been carried retired connected Russian soil, astir precocious successful March this twelvemonth erstwhile gunmen opened occurrence successful a performance hallway successful Moscow sidesplitting 145 radical and injuring much than 500.

Russia tried to nexus the onslaught to Ukraine, but Kyiv swiftly denied immoderate involvement.

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