Hotel branded residences transform luxury city living

2 days ago 1

Upmarket flat homes managed by luxury edifice chains are gaining momentum arsenic developers and buyers recognise their manner and concern benefits.

Developers tin adhd a premium to the terms of their apartments, knowing buyers volition wage for a location successful a operation named aft a well-known marque that besides offers the amenities usually associated with an upscale hotel. These scope from the sanction connected the beforehand doorway to afloat concierge offerings.

Branded residences are large concern not lone successful the edifice assemblage but besides among luxury car brands and adjacent jewellery and manner labels.

Melbourne spot   developer Beulah’s Four Seasons Hotel is successful  the occidental  operation    of its STH BNK development.

Melbourne spot developer Beulah’s Four Seasons Hotel is successful the occidental operation of its STH BNK development.Credit:

The conception has been slower to instrumentality disconnected successful Australia, but planetary edifice concatenation Four Seasons is bringing branded flat towers present erstwhile it opens its STH BNK tract arsenic portion of a $2.3 cardinal improvement concern with luxury spot developer Beulah.

The task is acceptable to beryllium a “massive mini-metropolis” that volition span 2 abstracted high-rise structures. The skyscrapers volition go Australia’s tallest towers and beryllium location to the tallest vertical plot successful the world, astatine 5.5 kilometres, astir 1.5 times the magnitude of the Tan moving way successful Melbourne.


Four Seasons STH BNK volition person a 210-room edifice and 691 apartments, with one-bedroom units starting astatine $682,000. The residences tin usage the hotel’s facilities, including chef-cooked dinners, the pool, the kids’ club, and wellness centres.

Other akin offerings, 1 Hotel Melbourne, Crown Residences astatine Barangaroo successful Sydney and Marina Mirage apartments connected the Queensland Gold Coast, are besides acceptable to unfastened soon, merging flat surviving with prestigious five-star edifice luxury.

AXSIA HTL managing manager David Simpson said branded residences person go a “preferred prime for galore consumers owed to their distinctive advantages and personalised experiences that person been cautiously crafted to tailor residents’ preferences”.

“These properties harvester the champion aspects of backstage ownership with the benefits of a luxury hotel, providing residents with entree to world-class amenities specified arsenic concierge services, good dining, wellness facilities, and bespoke interior design,” Simpson said.

“The relation with a reputable marque ensures a precocious modular of prime and work that you’d expect from their hotels, enhancing the property’s worth and appeal.”

AXSIA HTL besides negotiated the woody astatine 1 Hotel Melbourne to present the city’s archetypal hotel-branded penthouse with an asking reported to beryllium astir $18 million.

Sitting connected the Yarra River’s alleged Northbank precinct, it is being developed by Riverlee arsenic portion of the $550 cardinal Seafarers mixed-use project. The 1 Hotel marque is fashionable overseas with sites successful Europe, North America and Cabo, Mexico.

1 Hotel for Australia -  Melbourne, Victoria

1 Hotel for Australia -  Melbourne, Victoria

It volition person 120 luxury apartments and a edifice with 280 impermanent rooms, a state-of-the-art wellness centre, and a 1000-seat relation centre.

“This edifice positions itself arsenic a sustainable luxury offering, acceptable to see the city’s archetypal hotel-branded penthouse aboriginal this year. It volition supply residents with eco-friendly surviving spaces that don’t compromise benignant oregon comfort,” Simpson said.


Simpson said from an concern perspective, “branded residences are a no-brainer”.

“Branded residences thin to admit successful worth due to the fact that they’re linked to prestigious brands. So, buying 1 is simply a astute prime – you get a luxurious manner and a beardown concern astatine the aforesaid time,” helium said.

In the latest Knight Frank Wealth Report, released successful March, the planetary branded residence assemblage was 1 of the stronger areas of growth, albeit for ultra-high-net-worth individuals—someone with a nett worthy of $US30 cardinal ($A44.68 million) oregon more. High-net-worth individuals person assets worthy $US1 million.

Erin van Tuil, spouse and caput of residential astatine Knight Frank Australia, said the occurrence of Crown Residences astatine One Barangaroo, Australia’s archetypal afloat integrated hospitality-branded residences, made it wide that work proviso is inactive an facet of flat surviving that Australian developers person yet to afloat harness.

“I spot a beardown accidental for forward-thinking developers and luxury hoteliers to grow into this assemblage to present much hospitality-branded residences,” van Tuil said.

Sydney is predicted to person the highest premier terms maturation retired of each the Australian cities this year, rising by 5 per cent and coming successful 5th globally, portion Melbourne is predicted to person terms maturation of 3 per cent, coming successful eighth spot successful the Knight Frank Wealth Report.

The Prime International Residential Index successful Knight Frank’s study shows luxury residential spot prices amazed connected the upside successful 2023, climbing 3.1 per cent connected mean crossed 100 locations astir the world.

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