How are different fund of funds taxed?

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Anil Poste 2 min read 14 Jun 2024, 02:12 PM IST

 Pixabay) Understanding the taxation of FoFs is important arsenic it impacts concern returns. (Image: Pixabay)


  • Tax rules alteration depending connected whether your FoF is equity-oriented, impacting some short-term and semipermanent superior gains.

A Fund of Funds (FoFs) is simply a communal money that invests successful different communal funds oregon ETFs alternatively of straight successful stocks, bonds, oregon different securities. They travel successful assorted types, specified arsenic equity-oriented, debt-oriented, hybrid, international, thematic oregon sectoral, ETF-based, and commodity money of funds, each catering to antithetic capitalist needs and offering diversification.

Commodity FoFs, for instance, absorption connected investing successful commodities similar golden oregon silver, providing vulnerability without the request to acquisition them physically. International FoFs let investors to summation planetary exposure.

Understanding the taxation of FoFs is important arsenic it impacts concern returns. Tax rules alteration based connected whether your FoF is equity-oriented oregon not, impacting some short-term and semipermanent superior gains. This cognition helps investors instrumentality smarter decisions and optimize their taxation liabilities.


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How are FoFs taxed?

In India, mutual funds are categorized arsenic equity-oriented oregon ‘other than equity-oriented’. For a money to beryllium equity-oriented, it indispensable person astatine slightest 65% of its assets successful stocks oregon equity-related instruments. ‘Other than equity-oriented funds’, they bash not travel these criteria.

Fund of Funds (FoFs) person adjacent stricter criteria. To beryllium classified arsenic equity-oriented, a FoF indispensable put astatine slightest 90% of its assets successful Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) that, successful turn, put astatine slightest 90% successful shares of Indian companies listed connected banal exchanges. If a FoF doesn't conscionable these criteria, it is considered 'other than equity-oriented', adjacent if it puts each its wealth into different equity fund.

This classification is important due to the fact that it affects however the gains from these funds are taxed. Understanding these rules tin assistance you take a tax-efficient strategy. “As per the definition, for an FoF to beryllium qualified arsenic equity oriented fund, it should put much than 90% successful ETFs, Now these ETFs should beryllium again investing minimum 90% successful listed home shares," says chartered accountant Nitesh Buddhadev, laminitis of Nimit Consultancy.

“For example, An FoF tin person 100% allocation successful immoderate different equity oregon Index fund, inactive it won’t person an equity taxation due to the fact that it does not put a minimum 90% successful ETFs, Otherwise the FoF volition person indebtedness taxation" He adds. As per taxation reckoners released by assorted AMCs, gains connected equity oriented FoFs are taxed 15% level careless of tenure, citing conception 111A work with conception 50AA.

Should you put successful FoFs?

Investing successful FoFs offers respective advantages. FoFs springiness you contiguous diversification by spreading investments crossed assorted funds and plus classes successful cost-efficient ways. This lets you physique a broader plus allocation beyond equity and indebtedness and thereby trim risk. They are managed by seasoned professionals, redeeming investors the clip and effort required for idiosyncratic probe and decision-making.

However, 1 large disadvantage of FoFs is their imaginable for a higher disbursal ratio compared to investing straight successful idiosyncratic communal funds. This is due to the fact that FoFs, successful their disbursal ratios, besides request to relationship for the costs linked with the underlying funds.

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For example, ABC Equity Fund, mightiness person a TER of 0.8%, whereas ABC FoF volition person an further 0.2% oregon higher disbursal to negociate the outgo of underlying funds. 

As a result, investors successful FoFs whitethorn extremity up paying higher fees for the convenience of investing successful a diversified portfolio managed by a nonrecreational money manager.

Despite these drawbacks, FoFs stay viable enactment for investors seeking diversified concern portfolios.

Also Read: Quant, PPFAS: How overmuch the CEOs of India's fastest-growing communal funds earn

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