Investigation launched after video shows JC’s foster mother in ‘altercation’ with police

2 days ago 2

Investigation launched aft video shows JC’s foster parent successful ‘altercation’ with police

A video has surfaced of what WA Police picture arsenic an “altercation” connected Friday betwixt an serviceman and the foster parent of the Indigenous pistillate known arsenic JC, whose decease astatine the hands of a abstracted serviceman successful 2019 is this week the taxable of a coronial inquest.

Tensions person risen successful Geraldton arsenic locals successful the streets voiced concerns implicit JC’s decease – peaking connected Friday, inquest time five, arsenic JC’s foster parent and long-time advocator Anne Jones was injured successful the brushwood with constabulary arsenic she filmed her 18-year-old grandson being arrested.

Anne Jones fell to the crushed  and deed  her head.

Anne Jones fell to the crushed and deed her head. Credit: Nine News Perth

Local constabulary person called for calm pursuing the incident, though Superintendent Steve Post admitted the timing could not beryllium worse.

JC, 29, was changeable dormant successful 2019 by First Class Constable Brent Wyndham aft she was seen wandering on a Geraldton thoroughfare unsocial with a weapon and a brace of scissors. Wyndham claimed during grounds at the inquest this week that JC was coming toward him with the knife raised, prompting him to sprout her successful the stomach.

He was charged with execution and faced proceedings successful 2021. The assemblage recovered him not guilty.

Vision shows an serviceman archer Jones she whitethorn movie but to enactment backmost arsenic they arrested the young antheral aft reports of “fighting with poles”.

Moments aboriginal Jones falls to the floor, and screaming and yelling from those successful the adjacent country erupts.

At a hastily called property conference, Post, sitting adjacent to Jones, apologised connected behalf of WA Police Commissioner Col Blanch and told media helium was precise acrophobic by what helium had seen connected the footage and had instigated an contiguous inquiry.

“During the people of that [arrest], determination was an altercation that occurred betwixt the constabulary and Anne, and Anne has fallen to the crushed rather heavy and bumped her head,” helium said.

“The circumstances of that altercation and that full incident, from the telephone to our attendance, volition beryllium the taxable of an autarkic probe which is presently being undertaken.”

Post said the serviceman progressive was inactive connected work but confined to table duties until the probe was concluded.

Jones told media she was inactive sore aft hitting her caput connected the ground.

She claimed an serviceman pushed her successful the chest.

“As I was singing retired for [my grandson] to get successful the van, to cooperate with them, that was erstwhile 1 of the officers walked astir and conscionable pushed maine and implicit I went,” she said.

“I fell backwards, due to the fact that helium pushed maine backwards and knocked maine off-balance. I conscionable went backmost and wounded my spine and ended up with a large lump connected my head.”

Jones has been a vocal advocator for justness for JC and has heavy criticised the constabulary for their handling of her death.

On Friday, aft she was hurt, Post called for calm.

“We sat down and had a agelong speech with Anne and I tin guarantee Anne and the household that we person listened, we person heard what she has to say,” helium said.

“We are atrocious for what has happened to you contiguous and that’s not pre-empting thing that whitethorn travel retired of the investigation.


“I’m atrocious that you were injured this morning. No 1 wants that benignant of outcome.”

Post said Jones’ grandson was arrested aft determination were reports helium was holding a weapon.

“The irony of it happening today, it’s truly rather devastating,” helium said.

“They’re 2 unrelated situations, but it shouldn’t person happened.”

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