Israel examining Hamas response to ceasefire plan

2 days ago 2

Israel says it is studying a effect by Hamas to a Gaza ceasefire program outlined by President Biden astatine the extremity of May.

It comes aft Hamas's governmental enactment said it had contacted mediators Egypt and Qatar "about the ideas" it has been discussing with the purpose of reaching an agreement.

Up to present Hamas has demanded an extremity to the warfare and a afloat withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza. Israel says it volition judge lone impermanent pauses successful the warring until it eliminates Hamas.

A Palestinian authoritative acquainted with the negotiations told the BBC Hamas is nary longer insisting connected a afloat ceasefire astatine the outset of the three-phase plan.

President Biden said the program which helium outlined was based connected a much elaborate Israeli proposal. The archetypal signifier would see a "full and implicit ceasefire", the withdrawal of IDF forces from populated areas and the speech of hostages for Palestinian prisoners.

The 2nd signifier would impact a "permanent extremity to hostilities" and the 3rd signifier a large reconstruction program for Gaza and completion of instrumentality of dormant hostages' remains.

A associated connection from the Israeli premier minister's bureau and the Mossad quality bureau connected Wednesday nighttime said the mediators had "conveyed to the [Israeli] negotiating squad Hamas's remarks connected the outline of the hostages deal".

"Israel is evaluating the remarks and volition convey its reply to the mediators," it added.

A elder Palestinian authoritative told the BBC connected Thursday that Hamas has fixed up the information of a implicit ceasefire successful speech for caller conditions related to the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza's confederate borderline country known arsenic the Philadelphi corridor and from the Rafah crossing betwixt Gaza and Egypt.

The source, who was informed of Hamas’s effect submitted to the mediators, added that the ambiance is positive. "We are going to a caller circular of negotiations soon,” the root said.

The US has accused Hamas of blocking advancement towards a ceasefire.

On Monday, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the radical was the “one exception” to planetary enactment for the ceasefire proposal. Hamas, helium said, had created "gaps... successful not saying yes to a connection that everyone, including the Israelis, had said yes to”.

The warfare was triggered by Hamas's unprecedented onslaught connected Israel connected 7 October successful which Hamas-led gunmen killed astir 1,200 radical and took 251 others backmost to Gaza arsenic hostages.

At slightest 37,953 Palestinians person been killed successful Gaza arsenic a effect of Israel's offensive, according to the territory's Hamas-run wellness ministry.

With further reporting by Rushdi Aboualouf

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