Israeli Air Base Is Linked to GPS ‘Spoofing’ Attacks

3 days ago 2

Europe|An Israeli aerial basal is simply a root of GPS ‘spoofing’ attacks, researchers say.

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A graphic showing a precocious   level   of spoofing enactment   successful  the Middle East.
Researchers astatine the University of Texas astatine Austin recovered that 1 large root of spoofing is an Israeli aerial base. Spoofing tin disrupt missiles but affects commercialized flights too.Credit...The New York Times

Selam Gebrekidan

July 3, 2024Updated 4:46 p.m. ET

Researchers astatine the University of Texas astatine Austin person identified an Israeli aerial basal arsenic a cardinal root of GPS attacks that person disrupted civilian hose navigation successful the Middle East.

The attacks, known arsenic spoofing, send retired manipulated GPS signals that marque airplane instruments misread their location.

The researchers, Todd Humphreys and Zach Clements, said they are “highly confident” that the spoofing attacks originated from Ein Shemer Airfield successful bluish Israel. The Israeli subject declined to remark connected Tuesday.

The researchers utilized information that was emitted by the spoofer and picked up by satellites successful low-Earth orbit to find its location. They past confirmed their calculations utilizing information they collected connected the crushed successful Israel.

Spoofing, on with GPS jamming, has sharply risen implicit the past 3 years, peculiarly adjacent warfare zones successful Ukraine and Gaza, wherever militaries interfere with navigation signals to thwart rocket and drone attacks.

The Middle East has emerged arsenic a spoofing blistery spot. The University of Texas researchers did not accidental however galore spoofing attacks they had linked to the subject base, but a abstracted investigation estimated that much than 50,000 flights person been spoofed successful the portion this year.

The attacks person made pilots deliberation that they were supra airports successful Beirut oregon Cairo erstwhile they were not, according to researchers astatine SkAI Data Services and the Zurich University of Applied Sciences, who analyzed data from the OpenSky Network.

Swiss International Air Lines accidental their flights are spoofed astir each time implicit the Middle East.

Separately, Estonia and different Baltic nations person blamed Russia for disrupting signals successful their airspaces. In April, Finnair temporarily suspended flights to an Estonian airdrome aft turning backmost 2 flights due to the fact that of terrible GPS jamming.

The attacks present screen ample swaths of the globe acold from immoderate battlefield.

In summation to causing navigation confusion, spoofing tin trigger mendacious alerts that airplanes are excessively adjacent to the ground. But the attacks person not yet made flying unsafe due to the fact that pilots tin usage alternate navigation methods.

“Losing GPS is not going to origin airplanes to autumn retired of the sky,” said Jeremy Bennington, vice president of Spirent Communications, which provides investigating for planetary navigation systems. “But I besides don’t privation to contradict the information that we are removing layers of safety.”

A correction was made on 

July 3, 2024

An earlier mentation of this study incorrectly spelled the surname of the vice president of Spirent Communications. He is Jeremy Bennington, not Benington.

How we grip corrections

Selam Gebrekidan is an investigative newsman for The Times whose enactment focuses connected accountability — of governments, companies and radical who wield power. More astir Selam Gebrekidan

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