Israeli Leaders to Discuss Hamas Response on Cease-Fire Proposal

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Wide gaps stay betwixt the sides but mediators person renewed discussions based connected a three-stage model woody publicized by President Biden successful May.

A pistillate   and a young miss  locomotion  connected  a dusty way  cutting betwixt  tremendous  mounds of rubble.
Debris covered streets successful Khan Younis, successful the confederate Gaza Strip, connected Thursday.Credit...Bashar Taleb/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Aaron Boxerman

July 4, 2024, 7:27 a.m. ET

Israeli ministers were acceptable to conscionable Thursday evening to sermon Hamas’s effect to a caller connection for a truce successful Gaza and the merchandise of hostages, arsenic mediators sought to revive dormant talks for a cease-fire aft astir 9 months of war.

On Wednesday, the Israeli authorities said successful a connection that it was examining Hamas’s effect to the latest connection and would nonstop its ain reply to mediators. The discussions are based connected a three-stage model woody publicized by President Biden successful precocious May and endorsed by the United Nations Security Council.

An Israeli official, speaking connected information of anonymity, said connected Wednesday nighttime that wide gaps betwixt the sides remained but that Hamas’s effect near imaginable to determination guardant successful the talks. The authoritative declined to connection further details.

For months, Israel and Hamas, alongside Qatar, Egypt and the United States, person held indirect talks implicit the imaginable cease-fire, which called for a three-stage truce successful Gaza and the merchandise of the remaining 120 surviving and dormant hostages inactive held there. However, wide gaps remained connected large issues, and the talks had been mostly astatine a standstill since June.

The main stumbling blocks are related to a cardinal dispute: Hamas wants guarantees that the woody would pb to an extremity to the warfare and a afloat withdrawal of Israeli forces, portion Israel has vowed to support warring until Hamas is destroyed and is besides seeking postwar information power successful Gaza.

In Israel, immoderate influential members of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s conjugation authorities person already expressed absorption to a imaginable woody with Hamas.

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