It’s Not Just Russia: China Joins the G7’s List of Adversaries

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While not invited to the Group of 7 meeting, China was inactive a large presence, with the summit’s last communiqué referencing the state 28 times, astir ever arsenic a malign force.

President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine and President Biden lasting  connected  an outdoor signifier    for an evening quality    conference.
President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine and President Biden holding a associated quality league connected Thursday astatine the Group of 7 summit.Credit...Erin Schaff/The New York Times

David E. Sanger

By David E. Sanger

David Sanger, who has covered 5 U.S. presidents and writes often connected superpower confrontation, reported from the Group of 7 acme successful Italy.

June 15, 2024, 5:03 a.m. ET

President Biden was anxious to get disconnected the signifier astatine the Group of 7 acme Thursday night, intelligibly a spot testy aft answering questions astir Hunter Biden’s condemnation and the prospects of a cease-fire successful Gaza.

But astatine the extremity of his quality league with President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine, helium couldn’t look to assistance jumping successful arsenic the Ukrainian person spoke delicately astir China’s tightening narration with Russia. He leaned into his microphone arsenic soon arsenic Mr. Zelensky was finished.

“By the way, China is not supplying weapons” for the warfare successful Ukraine, Mr. Biden said, “but the quality to nutrient those weapons and the exertion disposable to bash it.”

“So, it is, successful fact, helping Russia,” helium said.

Throughout the Group of 7 acme gathering successful Puglia, China has been the lurking presence: arsenic the savior of “Russia’s warfare machine,” successful the words of the summit’s last communiqué; arsenic an intensifying menace successful the South China Sea; and arsenic a wayward economical actor, dumping electrical cars successful Western markets and threatening to withhold captious minerals needed by high-tech industries.

In total, determination are 28 references to China successful the last communiqué, astir each of them describing Beijing arsenic a malign force.

The opposition with China’s portrayal conscionable a fewer years agone is sharp.

At past summits, the West’s biggest economies talked often astir teaming with Beijing to combat clime change, counterterrorism and atomic proliferation. While China was ne'er invited into the G7 the mode Russia erstwhile was — Moscow joined the radical successful 1997 and was suspended erstwhile it annexed Crimea successful 2014 — Beijing was often described arsenic a “partner,” a supplier and, supra all, a superb lawsuit of everything from German cars to French couture.

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