Janet Jackson Will Match Tinashe’s Freak

1 week ago 6
 Together Again Tour Opener - Hollywood, Florida

Photo: Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for Janet Jackson

She’ll lone lucifer your freak if you’re nasty. Ms. Jackson remixed her ain opus “Nasty” with Ms. Tinashe’s “Nasty” during her performance past nighttime successful Utah during her Together Again tour. This morning, Tinashe reacted to a video of the show astatine a nonaccomplishment for words: “Woahhhhh …” Jackson has been a immense inspiration for Tinashe; a fewer years ago, she tweeted that Jackson is 1 of her “biggest idols.” The adjacent procreation of artists has been showing Jackson a batch of emotion lately: Taylor Swift name-dropped her successful “Snow connected the Beach” a fewer years ago, and conscionable recently, Victoria Monet paid homage to her zoot suit successful her “Alright” euphony video. Now Jackson is showing emotion close back, and Tinashe has an reply to her question. A genuinely afloat ellipse infinitesimal for freak matching.

Janet Jackson Will Match Tinashe’s Freak
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