Kartik Aaryan's Chandu Champion: Smart money lessons you can learn from this film

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4 min read 15 Jun 2024, 11:34 AM IST checkcibilBtn

Manisha lakhe

Director Kabir Khan's biopic connected paralympic golden medalist Murlikant Petkar fails to animate contempt the unthinkable existent story. Savvy investors are advised to hold for the Kartik Aaryan's Chandu Champion to look connected an OTT Platform. Lessons connected perseverance and ne'er giving up are highlighted.

Money Lessons from Kartik Aaryan's Chandu Champion (X)Premium Money Lessons from Kartik Aaryan's Chandu Champion (X)

Kabir Khan, the manager who made films similar Bajrangi Bhaijan, Kabul Express and 83 delves into a biopic of a paralympic golden medalist and 2018 Padma Shri grant victor Shri Murlikant Petkar. An inspiring existent communicative of a young lad who starts wrestling, past life’s ups and downs pb him into becoming a boxing champion, a paralympics sports idiosyncratic successful javelin, array tennis and adjacent slalom skiing and a golden medalist swimmer.

So what volition a savvy capitalist bash with a movie similar this? Simple. Wait for it to look connected an OTT Platform, of course. You volition prevention summons wealth and beryllium capable to accelerated guardant done the forgettable songs and banal characters spouting predictable dialogue. Apart from that determination are 2 wealth lessons to learn.

Win that Olympic golden medal and go a champion!

All the kids successful the colony laughter astatine Murlikant Petkar’s life-goal to go an Olympic golden medalist, calling him a ‘chandu champion’ (champion of losers). His begetter refuses to fto him larn to wrestle, beating him due to the fact that helium fails repeatedly astatine school. When helium runs distant and joins the army, chap recruits laughter astatine his ambition too. His opponents successful the boxing ringing laughter astatine him and helium wins each boxing lucifer but one. Life is not casual for him, helium is deed by 9 bullets during the warfare and 1 is lodged successful his spine which renders him paralysed from waist down. And yet helium perseveres and participates successful the paralympics and wins the archetypal golden medal for 50 m freestyle event. 

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He adjacent attempts to writer the authorities for an Arjuna grant for his achievements but is ignored. It’s lone aft a writer and the section cops enquire that the Army is forced to look astatine his records and helium ends up receiving the Padma Shri. 

As an investor, you volition beryllium the archetypal to admit that immoderate of your investments whitethorn fail. But you request to larn from Murlikant the tone of ‘never accidental die’. Keep your absorption connected the golden medal and support moving astatine making your dreams travel true.

Predictability tin beryllium dull

The movie is filled with characters that are boringly predictable: an aggravated bull who tells Murlikant off, but ends up listening to his story; Murli’s sardarji person successful the service who helps him with English and boxing tips but you cognize he’s going to die; the Army drill sergeant; service recruits who creation a la Milkha’s ‘Hawan Karenge’ dance; boxing manager who is nicknamed ‘tiger’; Murlikant getting distracted from his extremity by a miss during the Tokyo Army games lone to suffer the adjacent match; strict caput caregiver astatine the Army Hospital.

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Each of these characters is deathly dull to watch, adjacent though Vijay Raaz arsenic Murlikant’s boxing manager adds immoderate alleviation to the goings on. But it’s Kartik Aryan’s atrocious hairsbreadth that shows what Bollywood thinks of state bumpkins. The refrain ‘satyanash, satyanash’ from the opus successful the movie keeps popping up arsenic we spot Kartik Aryan pouting successful country aft country to marque america judge he’s acting.

The existent beingness communicative of Murlikant Petkar is truthful amazing, it’s a pity that the communicative was wasted successful specified a poorly predictable template. In the last scene, erstwhile the India emblem goes up astatine the Paralympics, you consciousness alleviation alternatively than pride.

Manisha Lakhe is simply a poet, movie critic, traveller, laminitis of Caferati — an online writer’s forum, hosts Mumbai’s oldest unfastened mic, and teaches advertising, films and communication. She tin beryllium reached connected Twitter astatine @manishalakhe.

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Published: 15 Jun 2024, 11:34 AM IST

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