Kenyan magistrate dies after courtroom shooting by policeman

1 week ago 12

14 minutes ago

By Kathryn Armstrong, BBC News

A Kenyan magistrate who was changeable by a elder constabulary serviceman earlier this week has died, according to the country's main justice.

Justice Martha K Koome wrote connected X, formerly Twitter, that Makadara Principal Magistrate Monica Kivuti had "lost the fight" against her "extensive injuries".

Ms Kivuti was changeable by a policeman astatine a tribunal successful the capital, Nairobi, connected Thursday aft she cancelled his wife's bail owed to the woman's absconding.

The policeman, identified arsenic Samson Kipchirchir Kipruto, was himself changeable dormant by different officers pursuing the attack.

Three of these officers were wounded successful the onslaught but are said to beryllium successful a unchangeable condition.

"It is with a dense bosom that I pass the federation that Hon. Monica Kivuti, Principal Magistrate, Makadara Law Courts has mislaid the combat against the extended injuries sustained during an unfastened weapon onslaught successful Court," said Justice Koome successful a connection connected Saturday.

"The Judiciary household stands successful solidarity during this profoundly traumatic clip and calls for sensitivity and compassion arsenic we stock successful grief."

According to The Star newspaper, which spoke to a root astatine Nairobi Hospital, Ms Kivuti died connected Friday nighttime aft she was changeable successful the thorax and leg.

The Makadara Law Courts are owed to stay closed until Monday.

The nationalist constabulary work said successful a connection connected Thursday that Kipruto, who was successful complaint of a constabulary presumption successful Londiani successful occidental Kenya, had been successful the tribunal for "unknown reasons" during a proceeding successful the lawsuit of his wife. She was accused of receiving wealth "under mendacious pretences".

Investigations into what happened are continuing.

Justice Koome said it was wide Kipruto had intended to termination Ms Kivuti.

The incidental wrong the courtroom has travel arsenic a daze to Kenyans.

The constabulary person often been accused of being progressive successful extra-judicial killings but nary specified incidental has been reported wrong court.

The judiciary has said it would heighten information measures and has assured judicial unit and different tribunal users of their information and security.

The Law Society of Kenya said successful a connection that the incidental was "not an isolated lawsuit but portion of a troubling inclination of expanding threats and attacks against judicial officers and advocates".

"Legal disputes tin beryllium highly emotive, and the risks to judicial officers and advocates cannot beryllium understated."

The nine added that it would enactment with Justice Koome to "develop broad strategies aimed astatine safeguarding our justness strategy and its practitioners".

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