Labor’s caucus system a valuable part of democracy

2 days ago 3

While immoderate whitethorn presumption the Labor pledge of caucus solidarity arsenic a quaint anachronism, it remains the bedrock connected which Labor has built a estimation arsenic a unchangeable enactment of betterment and advancement (“Payman v Albanese and the idiosyncratic v the collective: Is Labor stuck successful 1902?”, July 4). That the pledge is simply a period aged points not to the request for it to change, but to its value. Presumably, Senator Payman understood this erstwhile she made the pledge herself, accepted Labor endorsement, funds and the payment of Labor votes to present a quota for election. Wayne Duncombe, Lilyfield

Senator Fatima Payman

Senator Fatima PaymanCredit: Dionne Gain

Tony Wright overlooks a batch of Labor past successful his critique of the party’s adherence to caucus solidarity. Yes, the enactment emerged successful the aboriginal years of the 20th period successful effect to the nonaccomplishment of the shearers’ strike, but it has endured respective splits since past successful effect to ideological issues, conscription successful WWI, and communism successful the concern groups successful the 1950s being the astir damaging. Left-wing parties tin lone endure specified interior conflicts if they enforce enactment subject and caucus solidarity is an important portion of this process. The existent ideological contented implicit the aboriginal of a projected Palestinian authorities is besides a information to the unity of the enactment and similar earlier dangers, it indispensable beryllium dealt with forcibly; Albanese and his squad person acted appropriately, arsenic astir Labor voters would cognize disunity is death. Vivienne Parsons, Thornleigh

Don’t notation the DLP. Les Shearman, Darlington

The bloodbath successful Gaza has to extremity and the lone rational ending has to beryllium a Palestinian authorities adjacent to the existing Israeli state. However, a solution of the Senate successful Australia volition person zero impact. The Greens are targeting definite Labor seats and are utilizing the suffering of the Palestinian radical to effort and execute that end. The ALP near has historically opposed the conscience ballot arsenic it has been utilized to forestall Labor governments acting connected favoritism based connected gender, sexuality and women’s rights. The existing conscience ballot proviso has simply been a salve for definite antheral MPs “consciences”. Be cautious what you privation for. Paul Pearce, Bronte

With divisions widening passim the country, a caller spiritual enactment of immoderate persuasion volition lone exacerbate this situation. All specified parties person done successful the past is to inflame tensions arsenic they prosecute their ain ideology, hoping to enforce their views connected the remainder of society. A caller Muslim, Jewish oregon cardinal Christian enactment volition beryllium nary different. The separation of religion and authorities indispensable beryllium maintained for the bully of our democracy. Tony Re, Georges Hall

What a large work Senator Fatima Payman is providing PM Albanese successful the aftermath of the inevitable number authorities that helium volition find himself successful aft the adjacent national election. Negotiation and acceptance of divers views volition beryllium the lone mode forward. Maybe helium should instrumentality immoderate lessons from Julia Gillard who steered a immense legislative docket done parliament with her number government. Craig Roberts, Matraville

I person to say, I find it each truthful sad. Here is simply a young lady, calved and raised to the property of 5 successful Afghanistan wherever idiosyncratic freedoms are cruelly muzzled with threats of torture, imprisonment oregon adjacent decease by the archaic rules of the Taliban. After fleeing to Pakistan and past down nether to the expected land-of-the-free, she finds herself yet again cruelly muzzled, this clip by what seems the archaic rules of the ALP. Surely we tin bash amended than this. Bill Young, Killcare Heights

Sydney needs an integrated cycling network

I americium a precise experienced and cautious cyclist (Letters, July 4). I person cycled successful Africa wherever I grew up and successful galore large cities successful Europe. I rhythm successful Sydney but person ne'er felt much anxious successful my 78 years connected this planet. I ever rhythm wearing hi-vis tops and with flashing lights beforehand and rear. On 2 occasions this hasn’t helped contempt wide sunny skies and adust roads. In 2014 a reddish P-plater came astir a choky crook connected a constrictive suburban cul-de-sac connected the incorrect side. I went implicit the handlebars landing connected my head. Result was 2 cervix fractures C1 and C2 (hangman’s fracture) and 4 crushed thoracic vertebrae. The driver’s security paid galore thousands for my assertion positive tens of thousands successful aesculapian and rehab expenses. In 2020 a operator coming retired of a broadside roadworthy deed maine fracturing my hep and smashing my enarthrosis which required surgery. This clip I had video grounds and the operator was recovered blameworthy successful tribunal but nary fine. Go fig that 1 out! The solution has thing to bash with operator and cyclist education, cycling lights, hi-vis covering oregon being careful. An integrated web each implicit Sydney dedicated to cycling is the lone solution. It volition besides promote kids cycling to schoolhouse resulting successful reduced vehicular postulation during word time. John Whiteing, Willoughby

Cyclist Liz Irvin utilizing a motorcycle  lane.

Cyclist Liz Irvin utilizing a motorcycle lane.Credit: Eddie Jim

Bicycles and centrifugal vehicles are ne'er a bully mix. Kerri Sackville’s caller acquisition (“I thought I was a harmless operator … then, thud!”, July 2) demonstrates this. Leading cycling affable cities specified arsenic Amsterdam person galore separated cycling lanes and postulation lights astatine intersections which springiness cyclists clip to determination up of centrifugal traffic. John Anderson, Macmasters Beach

Further to Tim Egan’s advice; “never presume a car operator knows you’re there”, my dada repeatedly maintained that nary 1 should suffice for a car licence unless he/she had utilized a motorcycle licence for astatine slightest 12 months. Bob Hall, Wyoming

As a semipermanent Ulysses Club motorcyclist (Motto - Grow Old Disgracefully), I sometimes amended caller bikers with 3 basal rules:

  1. Always deterioration gloves – “who’s going to hitch your bum for the adjacent six weeks erstwhile you travel disconnected and onshore connected your hands?”
  2. Wear precocious visibility clothing, arsenic motorists volition assertion SMIDSY – Sorry Mate I Didn’t See You.
  3. Always bash a “shoulder-check”, near and right, erstwhile changing lanes, for the supra reason.

Oh – and a 4th extremity – bask your ride! Margaret Hogge, North Curl Curl

Time for ASIC to beryllium the taxable of an investigation

Surely cipher is amazed by the findings of the Senate enquiry that ASIC is wholly inefficient and ineffective (“Regulator ASIC not acceptable for purpose, says inquiry”, July 4). There was wide corruption and utmost bastardry revealed successful the fiscal services industry, transgression negligence successful the aged attraction industry, and deliberate rorting of customers by Qantas, to sanction conscionable a fewer evident examples. It beggars content that not 1 elder enforcement from immoderate institution was charged with adjacent a insignificant transgression offence, and astir simply “retired” with a lucrative payout. Perhaps the ASIC executives should beryllium investigated for gross neglect of duty? Rob Phillips, North Epping

My dealings with ASIC person been successful the quality of making complaints connected behalf of clients, and I person ever felt underwhelmed by ASIC’s deficiency of action. If determination is an enquiry into the show of this body, I anticipation the effect is not a repetition of robo-debt, wherever the nabobs were deed with a bedewed lettuce leaf. If an enquiry determines that alteration is needed, it starts with the radical successful the organisation. I person had nary ceremonial grooming successful management, but my beingness acquisition suggests that if determination is immoderate humor enactment connected the floor, it tends to ore the minds of those who are left. Joe Weller, Mittagong

If ASIC investigates truthful fewer lodged complaints, however tin the nationalist person assurance that this assemblage is acting successful the nationalist interest? ASIC’s crowing astir the minuscule fig of matters it funnels into prosecution strikes arsenic disingenuous and diversionary. The fewer chosen apples are not to beryllium compared with the galore discarded oranges. Time for immoderate large reform. Murray Patchett, Kentucky

Common courtesy

Few volition interest themselves with the Coalition spat which threatened a divided successful NSW (“Why Libs indispensable de-fang yappy Nats”, July 4). However, the divisive ruction has a acquisition for parties of each persuasions. The disfigured spat could person been prevented if a spot of communal courtesy had been shown. Keeping colleagues successful the representation is simple, breaking up is hard. A overmuch much delicate attack could person been expected. Derrick Mason, Boorowa

Dominic Perrottet helped broker the truce.

Dominic Perrottet helped broker the truce.Credit: Peter Rae and Supplied

Target elsewhere

Does Peter Dutton cognize however overmuch nett net is made by Coles and Woolworths (Letters, July 4)? If they operated arsenic non-profit businesses, your groceries would lone spell down by astir 2.5 per cent. Why not sanction and shame immoderate of the large sanction retail companies who marque a nett percent galore times greater than the large supermarkets. Be cautious what you privation for! Craig Oates, Urunga

Obsolete offices

This is simply a astonishment (“Is Atlassian’s year-long experimentation the aboriginal of work?”, July 4). I thought offices were already obsolete. Meetings are present held successful nationalist places, trains, bars and cafés. And annoyingly often and astir irritatingly wrong proceeding region of me. We person privateness laws to support maine from uncovering retired things I person recovered out. Peter Bourke, Rockdale

Poor excuses

Democratic elders and officials are doing Joe Biden nary favours by continuing to find explanations for his mediocre statement show (Letters, July 4). By cocooning him from world they are exposing a susceptible aged antheral to aggravated criticism. One of the cosmopolitan quality weaknesses successful galore occupations is not knowing erstwhile to instrumentality the golden ticker and go. Biden and his advisers look to person this weakness. Lyn Savage, Coogee

For a portion Australia and the UK were mocked for their readiness to axe sitting leaders portion successful office. I reckon US Democrats are present looking astatine however they diverged from our law exemplary precise wistfully. Sure the method has faults but it avoids the messiness Biden has allowed to develop. Tony Sullivan, Adamstown Heights

It seems inevitable present that Donald Trump volition beryllium the adjacent US president fixed the immunity from prosecution granted by his chosen Supreme Court and the statement meltdown suffered by the well-meaning but present faltering Joe Biden. It’s hard to ideate a worse script for the aboriginal of satellite peace, ideology and information fixed the concern wherever we person an unpredictable, vengeful Trump connected 1 broadside and an expansionist warmongering Putin connected the other, unneurotic with the uncertainty of aboriginal enactment successful Europe and the lingering menace of China. I uncertainty that the US electorate afloat appreciates the interaction of their determination successful November. Max Redmayne, Drummoyne

It is particularly important that the missive from Alan Marel successful which helium suggests that President Biden could person Trump assassinated with Supreme Court immunity, was published connected US Independence Day. Steven Maher, Forster

Cometh the hour, Kamala Harris. Jim Dewar, Davistown

VP Kamala Harris

VP Kamala Harris Credit: AP

Taxing argument

The arguments against a sweetener taxation due to the fact that it would summation prices during a cost-of-living situation are fundamentally an admittance by those who enactment specified arguments that they don’t recognize however this works (“Dozens of countries person slapped a sweetener taxation connected junk food. But Australia is divided connected the decision”, July 4). Costs for consumers lone summation if you support buying the aforesaid things. But the thought of this is that it changes behaviour truthful that consumers are encouraged to bargain alternatives which don’t pull the tax. All taxes (and tariffs and tolls) are yet astir behaviour. If you don’t alteration behaviour, past you wage the tax. If you bash alteration behaviour, past the taxation tin beryllium avoided. If those who reason a sweetener taxation are truthful acrophobic astir precocious prices, past possibly they would reason that taxes connected baccy should besides beryllium lowered. Same thing. David Rush, Lawson

More money

I couldn’t assistance reasoning of the aged saying “short arms and agelong pockets” portion speechmaking CBD’s study of the Midwinter Ball (CBD, July 4). Yes idiosyncratic paid $52,000 to dine with the PM, but 640 guests could lone rise $360,000? I would person thought each attendee could person forked retired a expansive for specified worthy causes and astir doubled the take. Guess I’m dreaming. Carole Hayes, Newtown

Fitting farewell

While it is ever bittersweet to work of someone’s passing, Julie Macken’s obituary for husbandman Clifford Wallace genuinely captured the quality of an mean antheral who fought against the demolition of farming state astatine Maules Creek adjacent Narrabri by Whitehaven Coal (“Farmer enactment himself connected beforehand enactment of Maules Creek ember protest”, July 4). In her fitting tribute, Macken noted, “his wit, courageousness and endurance volition beryllium remembered by each his friends wrong the farming, biology and Gomeroi community”. Peter Nash, Fairlight

Farewell to a writer of integrity

All bully things travel to an extremity and that volition beryllium truthful with the status of Lisa Millar from ABC Breakfast tv (“Lisa Millar announces exit from ABC Breakfast”, July 4). Her wide experience, percipience, integrity and consciousness of humour implicit a agelong vocation person made her 1 of our astir distinguished journalists. She volition beryllium missed by many. Ron Sinclair, Windradyne

ABC presenter Lisa Millar with the stars of Muster Dogs.

ABC presenter Lisa Millar with the stars of Muster Dogs.

Heavenly riddle

I americium reminded of a song, the lyrics of which include: “Everybody wants to spell to eden but cipher wants to die” (Letters, July 4). Ron Russell, Leura

Legendary sword

A outcry for the worldly of legends. It was a acold simpler and cheaper mode to find leadership. (“French ‘Excalibur’ mysteriously disappears aft 1300 years stuck successful a rock”, July 4). Janice Creenaune, Austinmer

Busy holiday

Your Greek correspondent’s traveller upwind proposal is dependable for the intending tourist, however, fixed quality this week that Con’s existent state of residence is to beryllium the archetypal EU state to present a six-day moving week to “boost productivity”, those connected moving vacation mightiness not beryllium having overmuch amusive successful the prima (Letters, July 4)! Allan Gibson, Cherrybrook

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