Market Strategy for Budget 2024: How should investors position their portfolios ahead of announcements?

2 days ago 4

With the 2024 Lok Sabha elections concluding and the Modi-led NDA securing a 3rd consecutive term, attraction has present turned to the forthcoming Union Budget for the fiscal twelvemonth 2024-25.

As the Indian banal marketplace anticipates the upcoming Budget, investors and analysts are evaluating strategies to navigate the imaginable volatility. With humanities information showing mixed returns starring up to the Budget announcement, marketplace experts connection their perspectives connected however to negociate investments during this play of uncertainty.

From booking profits and re-evaluating portfolios to focusing connected semipermanent maturation sectors, marketplace analysts suggest investors to align their strategies with upcoming fiscal policies and capitalise connected marketplace movements. By staying informed and proactive, investors tin amended negociate risks and prehend opportunities during this important period, they added.

Let's instrumentality a look astatine what antithetic marketplace experts recommend:

Apurva Sheth, Head of Market Perspectives & Research, SAMCO Securities

Markets mostly commercialized with a antagonistic bias earlier the Budget. The premier crushed is that uncertainty levels emergence arsenic we get person to the Budget. Market participants similar to publication profits and beryllium connected currency and fto the lawsuit walk by.

Since 2010 determination person been 17 Budgets (14 were afloat and 3 were interim). The mean returns 1 week anterior to the Budget is -0.45 percent. This clip astir we person seen a crisp rally successful the past 20 days. Nifty has moved up by much than 10 percent successful the past 20 trading sessions. This calls for immoderate nett booking successful the adjacent term. The returns 1 week aft the Budget is announced are mostly affirmative arsenic the uncertainty is over. Average one-week returns, station Budget presentation, is 1.32 percent for the Nifty. Thus, marketplace participants tin commencement booking profits successful stocks that person over-extended rallies and hold for immoderate dips astir the Budget to re-enter them.

Nishit Master, Portfolio Manager astatine Axis Securities

We don't deliberation semipermanent investors should marque immoderate preparatory changes to their portfolios based connected their expectations from the Budget. Once the authorities intelligibly spells retired its priorities, semipermanent investors tin incrementally put successful sectors that tin payment from them.

Ravi Singh- SVP, Retail Research, Religare Broking

Currently, markets are astatine record-high levels and we bash not spot large corrections. Long-term investors request not marque pre-Budget changes successful the portfolio arsenic we are expecting creaseless argumentation continuation successful the state and continued absorption connected capex connected Defence & Railways, Infrastructure investment, sustainability models, modernisation of transport networks, and betterment successful biology outcomes. One indispensable not beryllium excessively bullish arsenic we tin spot profit-booking opportunities successful days to come. Pre-Budget, semipermanent investors tin shuffle their portfolio by ridding from low-performing stocks and traders tin summation from short-term trading by buying worth stocks connected dips. Expect the Sensex and Nifty to inch towards 81,000 and 24,900 marks, respectively, by the extremity of this year.

Vaibhav Jain, Head of Content and Education, Share.Market

With the existent authorities securing a 3rd term, the interim Budget offers clues connected what to expect successful the upcoming Budget. Key areas of absorption are apt to see infrastructure improvement and enhanced connectivity, suggesting affirmative outcomes for the construction, steel, and proscription sectors. Investors mightiness payment from expanding vulnerability to companies progressive successful specified industries, arsenic they whitethorn basal to summation from continued authorities spending connected infrastructure.

Furthermore, predetermination promises made by the ruling party, including affordable housing, healthcare initiatives, and renewable vigor projects, mightiness find abstraction successful the Budget, offering further concern avenues. Overall, positioning portfolios towards infrastructure, defence, and tourism portion keeping an oculus connected Budget announcements tin assistance investors align with imaginable authorities priorities and capitalise connected upcoming fiscal policies.

Puneet Sharma, CEO and Fund Manager astatine Whitespace Alpha

In my view, retail investors should instrumentality a longer-term presumption portion investing successful equity markets particularly present that determination is an anticipation of continuity successful authorities argumentation and actions. For those funny successful trading intra-day done the derivatives marketplace - you should see halt losses astatine tenable distances. For options trading, we expect a higher premium successful anticipation of higher volatility. Direction-agnostic strategies specified arsenic butterflies, agelong strangles/straddles, oregon robust condors tin beryllium utilised for benefits during specified periods.

For example, 1 tin see taking a butterfly presumption connected either broadside of Nifty 50. Such strategies travel with a predefined nominal risk-reward payoff of 1:10 going up to 1:20. However, traders should beryllium prepared to adjacent trades arsenic soon arsenic the terms of the scale is wrong scope of the butterfly.

Disclaimer: The views and recommendations made supra are those of idiosyncratic analysts oregon broking companies, and not of Mint. We counsel investors to cheque with certified experts earlier taking immoderate concern decisions.

HomeMarketsStock MarketsMarket Strategy for Budget 2024: How should investors presumption their portfolios up of announcements?

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