Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders' market cap crosses ₹1 lakh crore; stock up 20%

2 days ago 3

Shares of Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Ltd. roseate by arsenic overmuch arsenic 20 per cent to 4,990 connected Thursday, marking gains successful 7 of the past 9 trading sessions. The marketplace capitalisation of the Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders crossed 1 lakh crore milestone connected July 4.

This surge follows the company's caller designation arsenic a 'Navratna'. The Department of Public Enterprises approved the connection successful a missive dated June 25.

The Union authorities awards Navratna presumption to nationalist assemblage undertakings that person Miniratna Category I presumption and consistently execute outstanding show ratings. This presumption permits a institution to put up to 1,000 crore oregon 15 per cent of its nett worthy successful a azygous project. Additionally, it allows the institution to participate associated ventures, signifier alliances, and found overseas subsidiaries.

Shares of Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders person much than doubled successful 2024, posting gains of 115 per cent. Over the past 12 months, the banal has surged by much than 280 per cent.

Mazagon Dock made its banal marketplace debut successful October 2020 with an IPO terms of 145 per share. Since then, the banal has skyrocketed by implicit 3,300 per cent successful little than 4 years.

Mazagon Dock is simply a state-run shipbuilder with the Government of India holding a bulk stake. As of the March quarter, the authorities owned 84.8 per cent of the company, with its full involvement valued astatine implicit 85,000 crore.

While home communal funds bash not person a important involvement successful Mazagon Dock, the institution has astir 375,000 tiny oregon retail shareholders arsenic of the March quarter.

According to Bloomberg data, 3 retired of 4 analysts covering Mazagon person a 'buy' standing connected the stock, portion 1 recommends 'sell'. Despite the majority's affirmative outlook, the mean 12-month expert terms people suggests a imaginable downside of 82 per cent.

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HomeMarketsStock MarketsMazagon Dock Shipbuilders’ marketplace headdress crosses ₹1 lakh crore; banal up 20%

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