Miners, banks lift ASX after Wall Street rises; Santos surges

2 days ago 2

Welcome to your five-minute recap of the trading day.

The numbers

Shares successful mining, slope and existent property companies rallied connected Thursday, lifting the Australian shares benchmark to a important gain. The determination followed Wall Street’s record-breaking rally overnight.

The S&P/ASX 200 Index roses 91.9 points, oregon 1.2 per cent, to 7831.8, with each assemblage barroom utilities trading successful the green. The Australian dollar was somewhat weaker, fetching US67.14¢.

Sharemarket trading ended aboriginal  successful  the US up  of the July 4 nationalist   holiday.

Sharemarket trading ended aboriginal successful the US up of the July 4 nationalist holiday. Credit: Bloomberg

The lifters

Santos shares roseate 4.2 per cent to beryllium 1 of the biggest large-cap advancers pursuing reports that astatine slightest 2 Middle Eastern vigor giants could bid for the lipid and state giant. The moved helped propulsion the vigor assemblage 1.5 per cent higher. Competitor and scale heavyweight Woodside besides gained 0.6 per cent and Ampol gained 1.1 per cent.

Bellevue Gold finished arsenic 1 of the day’s champion performers with a 6.5 per cent gain, followed by Magellan Financial Group (up 6.1 per cent) and Arcadium Lithium (up 5.5 per cent).

The mining assemblage surged 2.3 per cent, with golden miners Newmont (up 3.2 per cent) and Evolution (up 4.1 per cent) climbing connected the backmost of a 1.5 per cent summation successful golden prices overnight. Iron ore heavyweights BHP (up 2.6 per cent) and Fortescue (up 3.2 per cent) besides helped to bolster the sector.

The laggards

Utilities (down 1.1 per cent) was the weakest sector, with AGL shares down 1.4 per cent and Meridian 1.7 per cent. Pro Medicus (down 5.1 per cent) was the biggest large-cap decliner.

The lowdown

In a study astir the economy, Citi Research mused that stronger-than-expected ostentation information has made it harder for the Reserve Bank to support the existent currency rate.

“We pencil a 25 [basis-point] summation successful the currency complaint successful August to 4.6 per cent. Not raising rates risks argumentation credibility and would awesome a dilution successful value of inflation, which would beryllium unheralded,” said Citi Research caput of economics Josh Williamson successful a probe enactment to clients.

Morgan Stanley is besides forecasting a complaint hike successful August, but its equity strategists acknowledged that this was not a statement presumption aft conversations with investors.


“While the RBA has shown a wide penchant to not accelerate the downward way of ostentation with tighter policy, the stalling of advancement implicit 2024 is overmuch much consequential and is apt to rise concerns astir broader ostentation expectations,” wrote Morgan Stanley researchers.

Overseas, Wall Street’s record-breaking rally kept going aft anemic reports connected the US system kept the doorway unfastened for imaginable cuts to involvement rates.

The S&P 500 Index roseate 0.5 per cent to acceptable a grounds precocious for a 2nd consecutive time and for the 33rd clip this year. The Dow Jones Industrial Average slipped 0.1 per cent, portion the Nasdaq Composite Index added 0.9 per cent to eclipse the grounds acceptable a time earlier. Trading ended aboriginal for the time up of the July 4 nationalist holiday.

Tesla again helped boost the marketplace and roseate 6.5 per cent a time aft reporting a milder driblet successful income for the outpouring than analysts feared. It was 1 of the strongest forces pushing the S&P 500 up, on with Nvidia. The darling of Wall Street’s unreserved into artificial-intelligence exertion climbed 4.6 per cent to bring the spot company’s summation for the twelvemonth truthful acold to 159 per cent.


The enactment was stronger successful the enslaved market, wherever Treasury yields slid pursuing a flurry of reports that came successful weaker than expected connected some the jobs marketplace and US services companies. The information could support the Federal Reserve connected people to present the cuts to involvement rates aboriginal this twelvemonth that Wall Street desires.

One study said enactment for businesses successful the existent estate, retail commercialized and different US services industries contracted successful June for conscionable the 3rd clip successful 49 months. The speechmaking was weaker than economists’ forecasts, which called for conscionable a slowing of growth. Perhaps much importantly for Wall Street, the study from the Institute Supply Management besides said prices were expanding astatine a slower pace.

That followed reports from earlier successful the greeting showing a slowing jobs market. One said somewhat much US workers applied for unemployment benefits past week than economists expected, though the fig remains debased compared with history.

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