Nas Wants to Bring Beat Street to Broadway

1 week ago 6

By , a Vulture quality blogger covering TV, movies and music

“Beat Street” Screening - 2024 Tribeca Festival

Photo: John Lamparski/Getty Images for Tribeca Festival

Breaking news, b-boys and b-girls: Beat Street is becoming a signifier musical. Per The Hollywood Reporter, Nas is connected committee to assistance accommodate the 1984 movie for Broadway. The rapper shared the quality of his engagement aft a 40th day screening of the creation play astatine the Tribeca Film Festival. “Beat Street wasn’t conscionable a movie – it dispersed the gyration of hip-hop civilization passim the state and the world. It near an indelible mark, inspiring generations of young artists and creating caller hip-hop fans alike,” Nas said successful a statement. “It’s a thrill for maine to articulation the originative squad of Beat Street, bringing the earthy vigor of hip-hop into the cloth of Broadway. It’s an grant to respire caller beingness into this iconic enactment and observe its enduring legacy.” Centering connected a graffiti artist, a DJ, and a breaker successful the South Bronx, the archetypal Beat Street featured euphony by Harry Belafonte and Arthur Baker. Nas volition reportedly assistance grow connected the soundtrack with caller worldly for the musical. He’ll besides co-produce alongside Baker, Michael Holman, and Richard Fearn. Other members of the originative squad volition reportedly beryllium announced successful coming weeks, truthful enactment tuned to find retired who other is hopping connected this Beat.

Nas Wants to Bring Beat Street to Broadway

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